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RE: Due to Outrage over Pelosi's mutilation of the SOTU speech; she is forced to order her minions to hide the shreding videos!

in #palnet4 years ago

Wouldn't that mean they would have to take down two hour videos of the entire 2020 SOTU speech as it includes that little one second part at the end of her ripping up the speech? Are they also taking down photos, GIFs, memes, mentions, comments, messages, posts, articles, links, etc, relating to the shredding of the speech is what I want to know.


They do it all the time. They will just cut or crop. I don't think she is worth the effort. They use A.I. Bots to kill this by the thousands.

I watched them erase videos of a jumbo jet.


They aren't getting a free ride anymore! People are gettimg tired of the theatrics, and are beginning to demand accountability....

They cant do accountability, they can only live in the lie region.


Alternative Media is loosening the choke hold they have had on information and news for the last half century!

The liberals have been ptotected for so long; that they get insulted, when asked the hard questions!


It looks like somebody asked Trump about Qanon and Trump said, "I don't want to say, but you'd be surprised."

I had never heard of them I was just looking at the liberal's fruits, and their policies are demonic in scope.

I do not agree that these people are in control, because they are minions; Satan is obviously in charge of them. Sad to say, but again obvious from their fruits.


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