You need to get rejected more

in #palnet4 years ago (edited)

Another disappointing sales meeting! Another NO! I am beginning to get a lot more of those lately.

But you know what, that's because I am also throwing myself in the ring of fire a lot more lately!

(You can tell that I am vexed as I am in my third exclamation mark so far).

I wanted to consult for a medium level company for their digital strategy. After a lot of discussions and calls, I had to go for a face to face meeting. I had really prepared and I put my best foot forward. And if you know me, you know that I give my 200%. However, after deliberating, they decided to go with someone else who was more in their budget. Again.

It happens.

It is part of the process. You do not strike gold the first time you start mining. That's the same with the opportunities in our lives. Not every lead will be a yes.

That's the bitter truth.

Jean Wandimi (1).jpg

-the rejection therapy-

Rejection Therapy is a social self-help game created by Jason Comely where being rejected by another person or group is the sole winning condition. The player can attempt any kind of social rejection, or try a suggestion from one of the Rejection Therapy suggestion cards available.

I know what you are thinking. Why would a person intentionally put themselves in the face of rejection?

The purpose of playing the game is to overcome the fear of rejection through controlled, forced exposure. By this means, players hope to adapt physically to the stresses of rejection. - Via Wikipedia

If you read more about Rejection Therapy, you realize that the more you put yourself in the face of rejection, the stronger you get.

Do you remember the first time you asked someone out or told them that you liked them? Or the first time you made a sales call? It terrified you! Right? But the more you make those calls, it gets easier.

In 2020, I have been putting myself in the face of rejection and let me tell you, a NO does not bother me so much or for as long as it used to. Don't get me wrong, rejection stings (as with my example above) but you get over it and keep it moving.


Rejection Therapy goes hand in hand with the philosophy of live and learn. To an extent, it is crucial to experiment, to network, to try new things, to fail. In other words, I would rather try and fail as opposed to not trying as that leads towards regret and not knowing and everything.

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