
If I went to them, would they let me spit on him? I am so DAMN tired of his saturation ads for failed policies; I turn off the noise maker when he comes on...seen it, don't want anything to do with it!

Money and might, does NOT make right!


I think he's done a pretty good job of getting noticed but he's still so far down in the polls that it's a waste of time and money at least so far. It still looks like Uncle Joe will be the one.

Ahhh, there used to be a comic about him called "Chester the Molester"; looked just like him, LOL!


who, someone looked like Bloomberg?

No, Uncle 'Joe' the molester, LOL!

Sounds like the typical nightmare uncle right there!

I thank GOD he is not related to Me, ROFLOL! I think the liberals are finally beginning to understand that they will NOT win in 2020.

They haven't figured out that the further they go to the left, the less votes they will get! One must wonder if they will ever understand this rejection of their malignant principles....


Sir smithlabs! Why do you think the liberals figured out that they won't win?

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