Auragraph For A Steemian, Mixed Media...Part 2 (Final)

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)


What I see here, is that well-intentioned family are getting in the way of who the Querant really is. There is some pretty dark stuff there as seen by the red devil entity down in the lower right. I have to add that I saw that entity on the right arm of the "mom" character after I had put the first layer of paint on to define it - and I knew I had to let it come out. Once I deliniated it- then I saw that it had a whole arm of the mom character that it was using.

The Querant has Shadow Work to do to expel that negativity. The Querant's IBIS self in the 4th Dimension has a fire tail like a Phoenix - in that the tail seems to replenish itself in the movement of the Torus, with self-regeneration.

The Querant is looking in the black mirror into the 4th Dimension and seeing himself as an Ibis, which is a highly spiritual bird to the ancient Egyptians. Thoth had the head of an Ibis, being the prophet who was like Jesus Christ of his time - he brought the emerald tablets and was considered Hermes - Hermetic - all that information came from Him.


The Querant must keep his eye on the prize - like Peter when he steps out onto the water with Jesus - he's ok as long as he doesn't look down and realize he's walking on water- same thing here - The Querant has to focus on who he truly is but at the same time acknowledge that your power is wrapped up in old ideas of childhood that have to be brought to the light.

The family thought they were doing right - they were asleep - indoctrination, molding of minds.

The dragonfly- flies to the right - and is stuck to the head of the sleeper - hence - showing your path out of this has to do with the Shadow Work - the dragon fly walks on water, itself... so that is what this is about - The Querant embodying the Christ Hermes Spirit in the world. in the face of ill-intentioned sleepers. It's hard work. Make sure that you get plenty of rest and down-time.

Only one wing visible on the winged heart shows that The Querant's calling is unbalanced by this situation. It is flying to the left - manifestation - is what is effected.

Please let me know if you would like a Sigil...

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Eye have a special weigh two pAi_EWE on PAD-ME properlEYLINEF8-view...

This reading is amazing. 💙💢💨🕳❣🦠 lookie watt woowoo handed ME/E\WE.






I never got the notifications about this having been completed and it's stunning what you saw and laced so neatly. I was needing a knew silver ring and somehow this will work better. I have some woven work here to show where my appreciation for you is in this...

The upgrades are coming in a whole knew format...and I also would like to talk to you about "a ring."


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