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RE: Censoring visibility is not removing from blockchain, my thoughts

in #palnet5 years ago

I really admire it when people share the truth even if it hurts. I never liked the idea of downvote being given to the people especially when it also in a way gives some level of tyranny and dictatorship of early adopters of steemit. Steemit is still growing and i believe in the near future the devs would come up with a good solution because giving power to the people would always lead to some abusing it. The power has to be given to the system, platform or have a robust algorithm executing some orders. Came through because of @crypto.piotr and i am impressed with your work @djennyfloro. Please reach out to me on @hexaney on telegram and we can talk about a mutual benefit.
I love the steemit community even though i have not been active off late :( (busy with other blockchain related stuffs)
Your friend


Thank you very much for your kind words, I am not one who likes to play ostrich, and this is such an important matter that it needs being discussed and being clearly thought out.

Added you on telegram!
have a good day,

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