
Sent you the next 91!

Many thanks! The price went up just slightly ( 10 cents for the batch) from last night. Lucky for you. Plus I rounded up to give you an extra 5 cents to make it an even number.

91 Steem X 0.13397 USD = 12.19127 USD
12.19127 / 0.719399 = 16.95 CAD
Sent $17.00

Thank you! :3 Got it!

Today I learned that Steem will fork and we get a new blockchain called Hive starting tomorrow morning.
By the time your next power-down comes out of Steem I think we will be on 2 different chains.
I don't think I'm interested in keeping the old Steem/Tron tokens and if I had more of it liquid, I would be selling it off right away. However, since what I have in liquid Steem is not worth much, I'll probably just hang onto it until it either becomes worthless or goes up in price.

In the mean-time, you will be getting an air-drop of an equivalent amount of liquid Hive and if you are still prepared to sell that to me, I'll need to figure out where to get it's current value from. I'm not certain if SteemWorld will have switched everything to Hive that fast. These are definitely interesting times; covid19 and all!

Definitely interesting! Whew, so much going on. I think we should suspend the deal for now. I'm not sure what value the HIVE is going to be worth either so I don't know if it'll be worth it to sell it versus just hanging onto it for now. Maybe I could let you know if I decide to sell a bit of hive when things calm down and you can let me know if you're interested at that time?

Sounds like a plan!

I think I may need to post to both chains in the morning. I'm not sure if all the players will be switching to Hive or staying on Steem; or perhaps even using both!

I think posting to both is a good idea! Also, since I'm off school I'd love to join in on the game. I'll wait until the start of the next one if that's easier. 😁

Having #8 join in now would be just fine. We are approaching the end of the game now, but it may take a while to get all the humans killed off. The next game is going to be a little different since it will involve crafting.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 66419.93
ETH 3546.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47