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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆

in #palnet5 years ago

Hey, @abh12345.

Well, here we are. Full blown into October, and me wondering where the rest of the year went already. The temporary slowdown of time I experienced when I first started back to work ended probably a month ago and I think things are actually moving faster than they were before.

Which means I need to move faster in order to keep up with everything, including activity here, when I'm at that point in my life where I've been slowing down. Woohoo.

Anyway. Thanks for the ongoing leagues and weekly results post, and thanks for being around STEEM in general. It's just good to have you here.

Congratulations to the Top 25, particularly the Top 2. Anytime scores are above 10,000 I consider that a pretty good thing.

I'm not sure what @tattoodjay and @dswigle are doing that requires them to disappear completely from the list, but I guess they follow in the footsteps of @janton and @melinda010100 who have also ridden off into the metaphorical sunset.

Just as long as someone who has the time and puts in the effort makes it to the top, that's all I ask for. Or I might have to quit my job...

Okay, that's not going to happen anytime soon. I think I just need to concentrate on keeping it. :)

Onward and upward.


It's a bit scary how fast time rushes past! @glenalbrethsen I fully expect to see you at the top of the EL again one day!

Hey, @melinda010100.

Yes it is. Just when I think it can't fly any faster—whoom, into another gear we go. :)

Well, thank you for the sentiment. Other than a desire to have the number one spot be filled by someone who is willing and able to put in the time, I'm not sure if the same competitive drive I had to begin with still exists—I know the time I need to do it in does not.

I understand @glenalbrethsen! There are so many ways to fill my time! I really enjoy the curation that I am privileged to do for eSteem and being able to help people make better quality posts. But making tons of comments is no longer a driving force for me.

Thanks Glen

Thanks for the ongoing leagues and weekly results post, and thanks for being around STEEM in general. It's just good to have you here.

A nice thing to say. I'm hanging on in here but struggling to find the time for much outside of these scheduled posts, including getting through the replies :)

The names you mention have all asked to be removed but are all sponsoring a number, which is really kind.

I should get through the rest of these replies and start this weeks number crunching. Thanks for checking in, enjoy the week of work, sigh.

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