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RE: Seek And You Shall Find!

in #palnet5 years ago

Hey, @davemccoy.

Wait. I thought this hard fork is supposed to kill spam. And incentivize people who aren't doing the right thing to do the right thing because apparently they're unable to do the right thing without incentives. The other hard fork was supposed to open the floodgates and shift the expenses of running a blockchain from Steemit to the users.

I think the expenses got shifted (RCs—lower SP can't do anything), but Velocity seems to have been stuck in first gear.

I guess the point we're both making is, whatever they told you the hard fork is for, it's probably not going to accomplish that, but have some other effect, ill-intended or ill-advised. And then we'll have the same folks saying we need to try something else, if there's anyone else around to even care at that point.


hahaha... yes

That was said much more humorously than me, but we are DEFINITELY on the same page Glen! :P

On a more important point, how are you doing? I hope very good and its always nice to see you for sure :)

I'm doing good. I've been working for over a week now at a new job, so I'm trying to learn the ropes. Not too stressful, but I haven't been left on my own yet. Sounds like it happens for part of the day today, though.

We generally are on the same page. I'm glad you found some humor in what I wrote. It's finding the humor in anything that's being done here that I guess becomes important for motivation and sanity.

I can't say I'm worse off since the last hard fork, because things started to pick up for me around the same time. I can't say there's a correlation (Musing is mostly responsible), but some of the factors that existed aren't really the same now (Musing), so maybe I've benefitted somehow, and maybe I will again. The problem is, it's not helping anyone of low SP, and I'm not sure how we're expecting everyone to throw money at something that they don't know if they'll be able to regularly use, or that will actually get them ROI because the value's stuck in the $0.40s or so.

awesome Glen! Congrats on the new job... I have no doubt you will learn the ropes, so tell them to leave you alone :P

And yes on the humor too... Completely agree it keeps us sane ;)

I don't know the details, but do know that one of the big drivers of people to even be here is to earn something. If that gets taken away for many, my guess is they will re-evaluate their reason for posting here. (and that doesn't even mention the possibility of getting a negative flag which for me has been a huge turnoff over time)

My guess is they think if they give enough SP to the "gatekeepers" they've chosen, that those groups will find ways to reward others and keep people interested. My thoughts on that (if true) is that doesn't work so well. People are people and I think its been shown that most of the SP ends up in the few "chosen" or "favorite" ones. If they can get a truly unbiased group of people to curate great posts, then my hat tip will be to them for sure though!

Great job again on the job and hope they unleash you quickly so you can show them a thing or two :)

They sort of 'unleashed' me today, @davemccoy, but I don't think I showed them a whole lot. Keys continue to baffle me—there's 26, I don't use them all, and inevitably, I come across a lock that won't open. That happened again a time or two while I was on my own.

I guess they expect things like that, and I don't think it was critical I get into the game since there were plenty of toys in the machine to be won—it's just nice to have some more.

re: gatekeepers

I've never been so keen on any of this, because right now the gatekeepers tend to be dApps, and I don't know how much actual curation goes on. It feels more like "thanks for using our app", which isn't the same thing.

Then, there's all kinds of other more or less self-appointed groups with their own delegations and upvoting of members, and I don't know. It just seems a little too inclusive and a little too much like a voting circle, regardless of how good the content might be. How often those groups taken on new members, or others move on, or how much quarreling there may be, or favoritism, I have no clue, since I avoid much of that by keeping away from discord and not participating or being invited to participate.

I can't see how the flagging system is going to get any better with a percentage of them being free. The only thing worse would be more free, or them actually being rewarded. Then it's all over.

STEEM was not set up to be a social media reward system. It was set up with the crypto-geek-investor in mind, with way too much Reddit influence. So, it's not just the flagging, but that's the one that's the most flagrant, I think.

cool that you were unleashed! And its also nice that you get to play with 26 keys... that sounds like a mini-puzzle everyday :)

I'm with you on your points about the "groups" on there... Even though I run one, I am careful to require NOTHING to be in it. I don't like to be beholden to anyone, so I don't want others to be beholden to our group either. I know there are some great "missions" of some of the groups, lets just hope a few find a way to avoid the power going to their heads!

And yes on the flagging...Its the most disturbing aspects pre-fork... As it gets easier, I can only imagine that it will get worse. It would be different if I thought the "good whales" would grow some balls and do something to stop the abusers. But as I've witnessed for 1 1/2 years, that isn't going to happen. If someone is big enough, he's in the club (no matter how repulsive and destructive his activities may be).

Good to see you get something fun to do with yourself and happy to have you stop by and give me your always great thoughts on this issue!

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