
Sure would, if she was really mad, she would start at the knee....


Haha...She got mad with me the other day for some stupid thing I did or said...Can't recall as all that stupid seems to roll into one these days...Lucky she didn't have a gun. But I made a peace offering of a couple kisses and a hug...Mumbled that my boundless stupidity wouldn't reoccur...(Had my fingers crossed when I said it though, so all good.) Bring on the stupid. Lol.

Women are inponderable, wrapped in an enigna, hidden behind female ( yes, no, maybe) 'logic'!

So keep your fingers crossed....


That's your strategy? Crossed fingers?

Hmm...Sounds legit. Lol.

About the best protection we can get, SMH! It is a great life, if you don't weaken....


But where would we be without them? In big trouble no doubt....


Yes I agree. I wouldn't replace mine that's for sure. No one else would put up with me and I know how good your relationship is with your wife. Nah couldn't be without them.

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