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RE: Let's talk wind power for your homestead; to avoid surprises!

in #palnet5 years ago

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Throwing unrelated videos that are not solicited is not a good way to present Christ! Shameful....

it's a bot :)

I am so frustrated and jealous and would like to become the student of a great african guy, he build so many wind turbines... I mean.. .amazing and all home made... and it works !!!

Power from junk is fun stuff! Sometimes they don't make much electricity. Once I am set up on the homestead, I plan to build a vertical axis machine from scratch of my own design.

I havd complained to the bot owner. I don't mind a conversation on Bible concepts, but having a questionable video, with limited Bible content; spammed at me evfew days, in unacceptable!


Yes, I have watched it too. He did well turning junk into power, where there is normally no power.

I will need a significant structure to get above the trees, absorb the wind pressure and resist the magnus effect, for my design.


I didn't watched it ! I don't have the income necessary to be able to splurge a recurring bill like this... and worst I find myself so dumb, I start to believe that this guy doesn't even exist, that it was all a promotional show for netflix... smoke and mirrors...

and if I go to the wasteland and ruined industrial wasteland near by, I mean there is nothing old concrete and plants, and started to build something like this (less high, I prefer the vertical designs) I would be swated... (raid in france) meanwhile a few miles away french native girls are raped... we know what the equation risk reward leads to...

arresting little peon like me = no risk assured pay checks for valorous cops...

facing the child rapists organized in yuge networks... war...

so we know... and as the child rapists network pay in rape rights to the cops...


the west... the old world... it's not for nothing they flew for their lives on wooden boats accross oceans... sadly, it seems that the head of the fish is rotting again...

worst than this virus...

personally I would go more for the array of small units... easier to manage, repair and build than falling from yuge giant one, even with it :)... because then you need fundation, concrete and donald trump skills... and eroei may never become positive at small individual taylor made scale...

better grow potatoes :).

I dropped Netflix because they started making offensive programming, but I did watch this video. He dug out small electric motors that contained permanent Magnets, and added impeller blades. They didn't make a lot of power, but where they had none, it was a game changer! This would be a place to put up several, to make multiple small charging points.

Gallon cans, split down the middle and soldered on the open end, would make a good single cup for the vertical axis machine. Mounting them in odd numbers seems to help low speed start up. Cooling fan motors or heater fan motors would be a good one to build upon! But as you say, keep it small to avoid problems....

Politics are poisoning this Planet, we need to be rid of all of it! It is a cancer on the Human race....

Might be time to find a wooden (or steel) boat, and find a better place. It is not as good here as it was, too much liberal garbage here too. But it might help you for a while.

This virus is over rated, and not as dangerous as they claim. They will use it to crash the markets; so they can steal money from investors, and then blame the virus!


yeah and using old bike wheels to dispose the blades was an excellent idea...

Yeah, the "northern california of the coast" mindset of those "techies"... You just have to watch jack dorsey to understand there is a serious loss of consciousness and reality there.

I would be even more frightened by corporatocracy... like barack (a lebanese rich guy who has hears to the potus) is pushing... I know that some state have gone ashtray but at least there is a hope of enforcement, it was done earlier it can be done again. But with corporatocracy there is really none... gmo, frak fluids, nuke plants...

the boat... and come the swells... and the pirates!

It's undeniable that unchecked this non armed bio weapon with outlayers made of HIV proteins (?) fixing on ACE2 receptor in one of the biggest organ in surface in the human body (less than skin?) can flood any ICU in any state and lead to a lot of deaths... 350+ in a single day in italy (yesteray and sunday was "only" 250).

So... the new real questions : how to stop forced vaccination (liberty) and create a better legislative framework at the end of the tunnel (it's not yet apparently a full on bio weapon and not a sync nuke plants meltdowns). Meaning there is a hope to foil the nwo / one world gov project of the globalized cleptomaniac childraping aristocracy... still...

William Kamkwamba
William Kamkwamba (born August 5, 1987) is a Malawian inventor and author. He gained fame in his country in 2002 when he built a wind turbine to power multiple electrical appliances in his family's house in Wimbe, 32 km (20 mi) east of Kasungu, using blue gum trees, bicycle parts, and materials collected in a local scrapyard. Since then, he has built a solar-powered water pump that supplies the first drinking water in his village and two other wind turbines, the tallest standing at 12 meters (39 ft), and is planning two more, including one in Lilongwe, the political capital of Malawi.

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