First Impressions of PALnet and Steemit Nostalgia

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

Just a couple days in on PALnet but the impact of it on my steem based life is so grand that I had to make a post of my initial impressions!

Firstly, I haven't been this excited to post on the steem blockchain since the early days. There is something so absolutely marvelous about checking the trending page and finding a whole list of things I actually want to click on! And to know that it's entirely possible for my own post to hit the top of the trending page? Holy shizit, I'd all but given up hope on that score!

I've been looking through posts asking for feedback on PALnet and I'm definitely not alone in my feelings- I'm reading one comment after another with the same enthusiastic sentiment, and it took me back. Back to my first days and months on steemit, to the extent I went spelunking and found a post I wrote after my first week of blogging way back in 2016....

It’s about an hour after the completion of my first week on steemit and a still, small voice…LIAR*…okay, okay, it was the not so small (and never still) voice of my husband…

(whom I love and adore, and wouldn’t have any other way), who suggested I write down my impressions.

The first day was a learning experience. I didn’t even know how to post a picture, let alone comprehend what anything in my wallet meant, and I spent a great deal of time fumbling through searches, looking a lot like

By day two I had figured out the picture thing, had some idea of what was going on with the wallet, and began to feel an undercurrent of fascination about this interesting and diverse community. This feeling grew as I began reading post after post and by the time I'd finished a blog by @therealpaul, fascination had morphed to

On day three I hit my stride, upvoting like a pro (okay, like an amateur, but I felt like a pro) posting comments all over the place, and finally feeling I was getting the hang of things. I had yet to make any actual money, but I told myself it was just the beginning, and besides I wasn’t really here for the money, I was here to finally start putting my words out into the world. And then it happened

I had posted my second episode in the Playground Series and did I say I didn’t care about the money? Because...

There is something truly AWESOME about being recognized for your vision and creativity. It’s not the money so much, it’s the idea that your words have made an impact. That people care enough about them to reward you for it. I am thrilled to say that one week in I am a steemit enthusiast! So much so that my primary concern in my wallet is how much steempower I have and I’ve begun recruiting among family and friends.

One more time Hyde

I believe in this platform, the blockchain, I believe in the intelligent people of this community, I welcome the hard fork, and I am just getting started! So thank you steemians for being awesome, looking forward to making all kinds of new connections and friends! Much love to you all!

Images courtesy of

...And I'm feeling the same spark right now that I did then, there's no bigger praise I can give PALnet than that!

So what do you think guys, is this platform worthy of my brother's awesome music?

-Ed Iseley

For veterans of steemit: You may have an airdrop of PAL tokens in steem engine- I did- so be sure to check it out!

See you on the Hot and Trending pages, woot!

Have you filled your witness votes?
Check out these passionate and competent souls:@ocd-witness, @pharesim, @yabapmatt, @teamsteem, @steempeak, @steemgigs, @dragosroua; then go to


I was just dropping your name in a comment - here's hoping you are right :)

Well, so far so good, of course I can't predict if people will F it up in the future or not, but if they stick to their values it definitely has a shot at being great!

i love using this frontend only of steemit but due to ads palnet is becoming my new favorite

Yup, I've never really gotten into the other front ends. I like steempeak, but it doesn't let me upload enough photos for some of my posts :)

That lack of images was why I've never used Steempeak, and Busy I totally loath to bits.

Do you remember how to find that big searchable list of everyone who has Pal tokens to claim? - I can't find it now.

Yup on both counts :)

I don't think I ever knew how to find it, lol, you sent it to my email but I hadn't seen it before can always ask @clayboyn :)

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