New Study Suggests Optimism Might Fuel Longevity

in #palnet5 years ago

"Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely." - R. T. Bennett

Researchers have made a connection between good physical health and having an optimistic, positive attitude. After reviewing more than a dozen studies investigating the link between the two, researchers discovered that optimists live longer and are more likely to have less heart problems.

In a recently published paper from the journal JAMA Network Open, scientists asserted that optimism has been shown to promote a longer, healthier lifestyle.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, they've found that negative emotions such as feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress, have been found to be linked with poor heart health. It isn't the first time that researchers have promoted the notion that stewing in negativity might contribute to negative health problems.

Now, emerging scientific evidence is even supporting the idea that optimism and positivity could help to decrease the risk of chronic illness, and could therefore be used as a potential tool that's included in a preventative medicine approach, say researchers.

Past research has also discovered that optimists might have better sleeping patterns, and high levels of optimism have been linked with better diet, lower stress levels, and getting better exercise.

Optimists are likely to follow healthy habits that promote these results in their lives, whereas researchers suggest that pessimism can potentially spur biological damage.

It's been said that people by nature are universally optimistic, but even if they aren't researchers insist that you can improve on this trait. For those who might not be keen to embrace optimism more than negative thoughts for example, researchers suggest that exercising the muscle of positive thought generation takes practice and can begin by starting to choose to think about what to be grateful for.

Maintaining perspective and focusing on what you are thankful for is one method to go about trying to boost those feelings of optimism.

From potentially helping to boosting the immune system, to enabling better problem solving skills, fostering better healthy habits and exercise, or inspiring better mental health and longevity, there are a variety of reasons to embrace the positive rather than dwell on the negative.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


Informative. Food for thought. Thanks
Respect s-irie

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