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RE: how to waste time for nothing : write stuff :)

in #palnet4 years ago (edited)

don't ... i can speculate but i wont : see :

i dont see what's hard about my p.o.v. : if nothing changes THEN nothing happens ... i was like awake for a sec cos i thought shit was happening after years of stalemate in a stale pond and its not, so its NOT interesting (to me ...) fairy tales for the believers ... speculation has no foundations if you made me guess id say someone takes either 500 replies for proof that 1.3 million accounts are fill in the dots yourself OR the three people making money other than STINC (as it got dubbed over time) have put a foot down and said "if you do that then we are out" and someone actually cared ... could a put up another 100 mille and bought all of them ... thats speculation and guttertrash like me has no idea on how high-level business works SO ... don't ... its not interesting since nothing happens since nothing changes , its not very hard to see what i mean
BUT ITS THE WAY YOU SAY IT i know weve been over that 5000 times or more ... je m'en fous, yea ? i just wanna see the money go up the rest is clearly, after three years, utter crud, smoke, mirrors and hot air and a very few people steering the whole thing and calling it de-centralized , i said DONT

get me started :D im not interested

it feels, after the 48hours bump , selloff and bru-ha :

1 )

  1. boring


  1. if it gets the money up i am not complaining, seeing is believing , fairy tales for the believers ... hm i went WAY over my time-budget for steemit this week with all this but im glad i wont have to

since nothing changes (lol)

i know .. peculiar sense of humour

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