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RE: PROJECT #HOPE - Help us grow by making a simple change

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

How to claim and delegate your PAL tokens?
(PAL tokens airdrop last till 8th July)


222.jpgPlease allow me to introduce to you - PALnet platform.

Visualy it does look like another front-end built on STEEM blockchain.

Just like, and

However, PALnet is using it's own PAL coin launched on steem-engine, which brings new opportunities for the PALnet team.

Creating and implementing PAL tokens allows it's creators to be in charge of its reward system, investments and future developments. This project has been managed by a group of witnesses and I strongly believe, that it's an Steemit alternative that is worth checking out.

Their site seem to be completely trustworthy so far and team behing Palnet has been very supportive and responsive towards their community. Which is another great plus.

Please follow the steps below:
a) login in (it's build on STEEM blockchain, so you will use same login details)
b) login in
c) claim your tokens -> to do that you would need to open and go to "wallet". In the left-top hand corner you will have PALnet (blue colour) logo. Click on it and claim your PAL tokens.
d) delegating:
go to your wallet and STAKE your tokens:

You will have to click "advanced" button and then type in the name of the user you would like to support with your delegation.

It's just that simple :)

IMPORTANT: All delegation/stakes will help us greately to progress with non-profit "project #hope":



Great initiative Piotr, I followed your clear instructions for claiming and staking. You should now have an extra 305 PAL staked to you.

Dear @plantbased77

That's very kind of you. I think we never had a chance to get to know each other. Pleasure to meet you :)

Have a great upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr

It is a great initiative, and I'm always happy to support the efforts and visibility of those efforts of inventive authors and intelligent, creative people who regularly put the intelligence and creativity to good use. People, human beings, always carry great potential for creativity in some field and I would never say that somebody is nonintelligent or noncreative, I just wish that everybody finds the way and motivation to express and have fun with those characteristics that we all have. :) I almost forgot what I wanted to say ... I staked the PAL and did all steps until ''You will have to click "advanced" button'' I can't find this button.

Ok ... I see now the mistake ... I didn't go in the ''advanced '' while in the process ... what now? Shall i unstake and then stake again?

Hi @borjan

I just managed to learn what can be done. Please check out this link:

Both @hungryhustle and @achim03 explained how to delegate once you already staked your PAL tokens. I'm going to test it right away as well.

I'm very grateful for your time and support. Appreciate it a lot.


Hi @crypto.piotr! I`m here to help :) If you want to delegate, please make a comment (for example replay to this one) like this:
I want to delegate X sp to @user
Where X is the amount of SP and @user is the steem user you want to delegate to. For example:
I want to delegate 100 sp to @borjan
@tipU will answer with a delegation link. Hope this helps!:)

I appreciate very much your comment @tipu

For moment I thought that it's automatic reply, but then I realized that I'm dealing with real human. AWESOME :)

Have a great upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr

I think it worked from steem engine wallet ... :) I have done some transaction there and I think is the correct one

Lovely @borjan :)

I also wanted to make some suggestion.

My impression is, that the hardest part of attracting attention on STEEMIT is the fact, that our audience have very little chance to actually find our publications. Lack of solid notification system is an obvious issue. And regardless how hard I would try - there is very little chance I would find out about your new interesting publications (my feed is just flooded with to many posts).

Please allow me to share some suggestion with you. If you would ever publish content related to blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, psychology etc. then perhaps you could simply send me memo with link to that post.

This way not only I would have a chance to read your publication, but I will also upvote it right away with 20k SP voting power. If I would consider it interesting then I may also share it with wider audience.

Please let me know what do you think. This surely should sound like a interesting offer :))

Cheers, Piotr

Thanks :) This is a great and helpful offer and I'll accept it. In time ( not very long time, I think), when my knowledge of English increases through practice, I will surely publish more writing-oriented posts and some of the mentioned themes will surely be occasionally present. For now, I'm more into pictures sharing with just a few sentences.

Oh, so you're also not a native english speaker @borjan?

Would you mind sharing with me where're you from?


I'm from Croatia. Istra region, on the coast. Steemit is a great motivation to learn English and widen the circle of people and ideas.

Dear @borjan

I'm glad to hear such a kind words of appreciation :)

Cheers, Piotr

Hi @borjan

Thanks for your beautiful comment. Our effort is every day better to achieve growth in this project. we will continue to provide the best ..

Greetings from Venezuela

Inspired post.

Thank you for dropping by @wav-dr

Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.

Hope I can count on your support :)

@crypto.piotr thanks for messaging me about this again. I think I did it right, or at least I hope so.

Since neither steem-engine nor palnet support SteemConnect, how do we know that they are genuine sites? I'm sure you understand that I'm not willing to punch my STEEM keys into a site that may be a phishing site.

Thanks krischik. I didn't realise that was a similar service.

Dear @bitbrain

Absolutely. I understand that you may feel uncomfortable and suspicious.

However (just like @krischik said):

They use Steem Keychain instead:

Anyway no pressure. Thank you for dropping by and your willingness to help.


I followed steps and it still say 0 pal, like i didnt get that claim tokens :(

Posted using Partiko Android

Looks like the Airdrop is broken. Which means we will go without as those organising Airdrop never extend the the time to account for their own mistakes.

Indeed. that's very unfortunate :(

I got so far but no way to claim tokens

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @pixaroma

Thank you for trying. I will contact PALnet devs and let them know about this problem. However I personally don't think much can be done at this stage. Eh :(

Again, big thx for your time.

That sucks big time @pixaroma.

Thank you again for trying, your time and effort. I really appreciate it a lot.


Inspiring post.
Anyway, I have tried to claim. It said that transaction on the way. So I waited it.

Thank you @rokhani. Hope you will receive those tokens soon.

Apparently since yesterday PAL airdrop isn't working well :/ Sucks big time.


That drop of air, I see it very little, for those who have very little power to vote, while the whale drops more PAL, small fish fall 0.01, 0.10 PAL very few

  • Here You go Bro

TADAM! :) Big thx @uio

Keep helping humanity, keep the flag high :)

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