Too much risk in marriage?

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

Recently I was having some heated discussions on Discord and I remembered this blog post. Unfortunately not much has changed since I wrote it. It would seem marriage is too much of a liability I know all to well myself. I just want to write the one caveat that there are certainly good people in this world; but distrust between the sexes is reaching a feverish pitch. Just remember the ones who don't care at all; are the ones having children. Studies have found that children who grow up without fathers have the most troubling upbringings. This is not to say women cannot raise independent smart, good contributors towards society. It's just to say that raising anyone with a crutch it very difficult and it's hard to juggle expenses and time.

I was listening to this interesting pod-cast and in the comments section I came across an acronym I have never heard of before:

I have written about this phenomena before and had no idea how much this "movement" is growing. I agree with the pod-cast that Western society although militarily strong and innovative; is now being defeated from the inside. We don't need wars enforced through violence to defeat the West. All of these 'movements' for equality, and fair treatment have in actuality gone too far and has eaten away the societal structure from the inside. Marriage has been around for thousands of years and has been the bedrock of ALL societies. Once the motivation is removed, collapse will ensue.

I have a few sons and now more than ever would I want them to stay virgin's until they are married. Promiscuous sex is dangerous on so many fronts. Get a woman pregnant, you pay for life. Don't want a relationship with the woman you slept with, prepare for rape allegations (where you pay for life). Forget about the nasty diseases you can contract as well. Who in their right mind would take a risk for a night of fun? It's risky on so many fronts, but then again sometimes we think with the wrong head.

Marriage in fact seems like such a risk that many men won't opt for it anymore. These women/social warriors will get their 'feminist utopia' they deserve. What is it they now deserve? The destruction of a society that affords them general protection today. You see when there is a gap of weakness; something stronger comes in to fill it. You can guess which violent ideologies will take it's place. Women will then be in a society where laws which USED to protect them will be completely removed. Just look at the UK, and Europe. Sure I got remarried, but that was because I met a women who agrees with me. She is not malevolent and is generally right-wing. She also has traditional values and believes in the traditional role of a loyal wife. This is extremely rare in this day and age and I consider myself lucky.


Marriage in fact seems like such a risk that many men won't opt for it anymore.

I haven't had the same experiences in life that others have had, but for me marriage has resulted in the best years of my life.

I agree, but it’s an experience many men refuse to embrace because risks are high.

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