Common sense doesn't pay!

in #palnet5 years ago

Watching the financial news every day can get pretty depressing. To put it lightly I would say that after the second World War we had a boom, and then an inflated boom. With inflated boom's we have inflated ego's which seem to lack common sense. When we speak about education today; it's not about history but progressive social norms. I won't make this blog post about what 'progressive social norms' mean; but rather I just want to talk about basic addition.

It's not hard to focus on things that effect the minorities. Minorities represent 'smaller issues', and yet that is all the news seems to focus on. Racism and intolerance is not a minor issue; but we do have laws in place to deal with such social dysfunction. Unfortunately not all laws are easily enforced, and so the only choice society has is to create more draconian measures to enforce what is already in law.

The sad truth is that when the majority of the population becomes more desperate with a slave mentality our animilastic survival instincts throw out rationalism. Crime increases, xenophobia increases, and distrust runs amok. Eventually the smoke-screens to hide the dirt under the carpet becomes apparent to all. Booms and busts happen and perhaps this is just a natural slide to what we see.

Homelessness, mental disease, physical disease, poverty can all be connected. The progress in society I am really starting to fail to see. Sure technology is impressive; but human beings are remaining the same. Things cost money, and when there is no money; or pretend money the whole house of cards is then seen to be an illusion. Not only can the cards easily collapse; but even the cards themselves are fake.

Watching the National Debt clock should make anyone's heart sink, yet most people are in debt themselves. The amount of bills we have a month is basically keeping you working until the grave. There is no way to pay back the national debt, and yet we continue to pretend that the life we are living is NOT being lived upon by the backs of our children, and their children. I won't make this post about how many FIAT currencies have failed; but really the underlying psychology that has created this crises.

The skills needed to be self sufficient isn't enough. Human beings are social communal animals. Some live as individuals but unless we wish to live like cave-people; we are in need of a community. Waking up to the sad reality that most people are asleep to an impending crisis is extremely depressing. Like social animals, we flock to those who have similar ideals.

We will need 2 trillion more to not feel the next recession. That's 2 trillion more debt for the WORLD to pay. At a certain point most nations STOP playing.

Looking at an old post:

The F-35:

A new stealth fighter, incredibly difficult to track via radar. Its stealth capabilities help pilots evade sophisticated missile systems, and the plane itself can carry a relatively wide array of weapons.

The F-35 travels at a supersonic speed of about 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometers) per hour (a speed of March 1.6).

Though the seat's headrest partially blocks the pilot's view, cameras mounted on the plane provide 360-degree vision. Plus, the stealth fighter has both night vision and thermal vision.

The pilot's helmet includes an operating system, and the data appearing on its visor is also shared elsewhere.

In short, the F-35 is a plane with lots of advanced capabilities.

So what's the problem? Well, one is the cost:

Program cost:

US$1.508 trillion
US$55.1B for RDT&E, $319.1B for procurement, $4.8B for MILCON, $1123.8B for operations & sustainment (2015 estimate)[8]

Unit cost
F-35A: $94.6M (low rate initial production lot 10 (LRIP 10) including F135 engine, full production in 2018 to be $85M)[9]
F-35B: US$122.8M (LRIP 10 including engine)[9]
F-35C: US$121.8M (LRIP 10 including engine)[9]
Developed from Lockheed Martin X-35

Imagine losing over 100 million?

And what's the second biggest draw back?


Although in a dog fight the F35 might seem invisible, it's LOUD. All you need is a scout listening with their ears alone, and they could distinguish between an F35 engine vs the rest.

Here's a clip of the loud engine after takeoff:

So time will tell whether or not this fighter is really THE best. According to US sources it is 10 years ahead of any Russian or Chinese made aircraft. The only problem with that is, it's according to US sources.

Forget the wars, forget the 'social progression'. If we do not say enough is enough, the whole illusion will crash down and angry men and women will run in the streets. The only solution is education and to be prepared. Get your financial portfolio's in order. You can at least buy yourself 6 months to a year of survival if you start preparing now. We flock to BTC, and Gold & Silver as 'alternatives'. Those alternatives need to be able to buy a can of tuna. So also stock some tuna!


... and forget anything you cannot control. Focus on what you can do and what you can control. Be kind to all. Be prepared always (I save in precious metals and prep), and get to a point in your finances where you have emergency fiat always, and get out of debt. Debt is a killer!!!

Definitely not the kind of thing most people won't talk about or ignore. I've been reorganizing my finances into a very defensive posture, having an alternative off grid savings in physical precious metals and Crypto, 40 day supply of food, power generator, water purification, weapons, and two plans. Yes, I'm not optimistic of our society lasting past this generation but I know I'll be better off than most.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good for you being prepped. It's rare and can only benefit you. Sometimes I feel Like I'm posting to the crowd though ;(

Im not disegreeing ok? so if not news about minioretys, what do you think , should be on the news??? I find new often are made to get us active in said subject, react in one way or an other.. I do also see a huge diffrence betwin our countrys...

Now, i woudl gooo for that massive sound of a F35 but then its not news more a amuse factor ;) BUT your point of the cost of said flights are mindblowing; and i think that amounts should be put to a better use as , you state; homeless :)
superb post & well done :D

I am a minority but you couldn't tell by my dreamy blue eyes. The amount of hatred being spewed toward my minority 'status' is only growing. People want someone to blame. We have laws in place to protect people like me, and it's well known hatred is wrong; so why is the hatred growing? I think people are struggling and when they struggle they seek to blame.

Thanks for reading. You truly are a wise dragon as you put time and effort into curating (unlike most of the blog-sphere). Much appreciated; you are a doll! ;)

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