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RE: Future Community Vision: real buildings serving the crypto-sphere.

in #palnet5 years ago

I am interested in your work but due to busy schedule, I will not be able to help directly. But as I want to help so I have decided to give 5 steem for this project. I know it not much but something is better than nothing. So please tell me in which account I should send steem?



Thank you very much for your interest!
You can do that to djenny.floro :) it will provide long-term help!

I've sent 5 steem to your account. Hope this helps.

Dear @aslan786 ,

All the delegations & donations made will greatly help the funding of the project and be used to gain more exposure for the project.

As I once said, djenny.floro upvote all my posts, and will also upvote the webnovel. I do not put any personal money into djenny.floro for transparency purpose (I don't want to be accused of self-voting) so delegating SP to djenny.floro is giving the project a long-term help!

Things I'll do with the money earned from the upvotes of djenny.floro:

  • Hire an assistant with the SDB (so it will help with the work I'm looking for),
  • Hire an artist for the visual aspect of Vision Media Future,
  • Reward the co-author of the webnovel,
  • Buy the necessary to make Future Writer Vision live sooner.

So, yes, delegating is also an extremely good way to help me with the project! It doesn't target the immediate problem of needing an assistant but very actively help with closing on a solution!


Oh, just found your explanation. Thx Jenny.

I just delegated 50 SP to you. Maybe not much, but always something :)


There is no "not much" in my dictionary. Every building is made of bricks, the more bricks, the better cemented they are then the better the building's quality. It's the same for projects. Each person that comes in brings one's qualities with him/her; and by adding all the qualities together, you make a great project.

Future Media Vision is not a project that's born yesterday, and it's not going to kick off tomorrow too, but as each person brings in/ do something, the projects slowly complete / get its funds.

That means that the delegation you've made is one brick, and the help you provide me by making my post visible is another brick, and it will glue together with others' efforts, such as mine, and that of the people who delegate to djenny.floro, make donations etc, and that it will eventually lead to the full funding and completion.

As I said in my post, even 1SP help, so you should consider your 50 SP as a great gesture, and not something small :)

How's your school @arslan786? Hope you're doing just fine :)

I was doing internship in a company for last 2 months and now my college will be resumed after a month so I will start my 5th semester.

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