Thoughts from a Notepad | Suffering/Enjoying from Steem withdrawal syndrome

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

There's no thumbnail image because I can't upload them on any frontend...

The title of this post doesn't have to do with the physical place I'm writing the post from, I titled it like that because the Steem Blockchain is down. @gtg aka *Gandalf the wise yet a bit grey* came up with a solution and now the tech part of @ocd-witness aka @lemony-cricket is handling the replay. We'll miss a shiton of blocks just like every other witness other that Gandalf and even then, it still hurts. Thankfully the all-wise and a bit geeky devs analyzing and going through the code were able to identify where the glitch was and the blockchain was down around 28 hours.

I'm used to write my posts on @busy and browse on @steempeak but since I can't do it at the moment, I'm making do with what I have :D

These past 24 hours have been weird. I'm not used to not checking my cellphone every ten minutes or worrying about discord messages; I'm not really concerned about maximizing the VP from my own account (and my little trail), OCD or OCD-witness.

I've been playing Gods Unchained - an Ethereum based trading card game - and I'm becoming very addicted incredibly fast. The game is amazing and it reminds me of my youth years playing Magic:The Gathering. Man, I wish that game was based on the Steem Blockchain, if Steem Monsters is amazing, Gods Unchained is out of this world and I'm completely confident that if we had something like Gods Unchained on Steem, the moon would be reachable within this year.

The Meta Game is varied, there's plenty of strategies and deck arquetypes. The deck you use to play is made of 30 cards and it's very complex. I don't like making comparisons but one thing I was anxiosuly waiting for with Steem Monsters when it came out was the ability to interact with the cards in-game and not leave everything to chance or randomized. This feature hasn't come and I'm not really sure it will, so I decided to move on and Gods Unchained was there to welcome me. And I've been playing non-stop for the past 8 hours, I watched some movies and slept.

But enough of trading card games. Let's talk about some personal thoughts, shall we?

I've been searching for a Fiat job for the past months, but to be honest I haven't REALLY tried. I'm not sure about the reason behind this apathy or lack of drive to find a way of making money the normal way.

I need money. I don't want to spend my crypto to pay for my daily expenses, especially during the bear markets and the ultra-polar-grizzly-black-kodiak-panda-bear state Steem is at the moment. The problem is, or well, my problem is, I spent too long traveling and living on the tightest budget ever, moving around the world and always finding a way, but never really working - except mundane jobs that do not require a lot of skills (except people skills) - and to be honest, I'm not sure I can handle going back to a 9 to 5 office job surrounded by normies and having a normal job with no real adventures.

I'm used to having adventures, living a free life, answering to no one, having no real schedule but what/where/when my feet guide me.

I came back home around two, three weeks ago and I'm already suffering from withdrawal syndrome from adventures. I'm not made to stay in one place. I tried doing it in Austria a few months ago and I was going crazy. I'm doing it right now and I feel a bit anxious.

The same as with this Steem withdrawal syndrome. I couldn't stop checking my cellphone every ten minutes to see if there was any updates - even when playing in my laptop or watching a movie - about the status of our chain. For the past 12 hours I've been trying to vote from any frontend to try and keep OCD, OCDB, and my own VP from being at 100% but it wasn't until a few hours ago that (exactly from where I'm posting this) started working.

I have to admit I enjoyed/hated this "steem free day and a half" because it forced me to interact with other people and to do other things other than being on discord, steem and looking at my laptop.

The halt of the chain is indeed negative for Steem in so many ways that I don't even want to go there but, on the other hand, it gave all of us a day off to come back refreshed and ready to post, comment and engage the best way we can :)


Nice write there. I had similar trying moments when I had many bills to pay but discovered that it was time to hodl steem. However, keep searching, you hopefully will find a manageable fiat work. We keep saving steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, the 'freedom' from checking the phone every five minutes or so has been a weird experience. I will have to check out Good Unchained despite my seething hatred for ETH!

And don't bother settling down, it sucks :0D

I feel ya and LOL at ...

I have to admit I enjoyed/hated this "steem free day and a half" because it forced me to interact with other people and to do other things


I think all Steemians are like that haha

Not me. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Steempeak does work here but I did have to change the settings in steemconnect to the node from
This also improved the user experience on
Was able to create my post with images :)


Lol I have been wildly productive at work and my other blog is starting to get a lot more love

Also I just made posts in drafts hoping I could post eventually lol a resourceful bunch we are, this chain isn’t half running and people are already slamming the available nodes still does not work with me. I can post with partiko and activist and comment/answer replies via palnet and if I find a post directly to the post via partiko. The rest is down.

To be honest I did not miss it yesterday. I had a busy day and it felt somehow as a relief. I missed nothing 😃.

Today as I found out I could post with partiko it took hours to get started. Somehow I lost the mood to post, to join Steemit, also asked myself if it is worth posting if many cannot read it.

Is that glitch found?
Since HF21 is all did not work great which HF are we by now? I assume sooner or later it is solved.

Happy day

Posted using Partiko Android

Hola @anomadsoul
Revisando me llamó la atención el titulo de tu post, y decidí leerlo (lo traduje con google) y me encantó a pesar de ser una traducción por una máquina.
Quede sorprendido, o google traductor ha mejorado muchismo o tienes un talento propio para expresarte de manera escrita.

Apuesto por lo segundo, provoca leerte. Gracias por compartir.

Y gracias a Dios ya se solucionó la detención

dudee I wish I didn't have to go back to school and hangin' out with normies. It feels since I am back to school, I have less time to interact with blockchain and even learn about the system. As result, I am way behind of everything I love now. Maybe soon, I'll be as carefree as I used to and well, if lucky, won't have to find myself in a small cubicle with 9-5 schedule.

I have to admit I enjoyed/hated this "steem free day and a half" because it forced me to interact with other people and to do other things other than being on discord, steem and looking at my laptop.

Ha, then, no wonder why you never stumble with one of my posts or comments all over the steem blockchain ¡ever! LoL

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