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RE: Pathocracy... Rule by Psychopaths (Part 1)

in #palnet5 years ago

Psychopathy is a very interesting study. This is an excellent vid to get a handle on what (and who) They are:

Also... There are two forms of psychopathy: primary psychopathy, which is genetic, and secondary psychopathy, which emerges in societies run by psychopaths. There are many "flavors" pf psychopathy: sociopathy and narcissism being the two main ones.

Interestingly... Money promotes psychopaths to power over Others, They being the Ones who will do literally anything to get and keep the power over Others money provides, and money (in all its forms: trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills, or electronic bits) is now antiquated. Of course, the psychopaths in control on Our planet hide and suppress the key technology that makes money antiquated.

See My posts for how We can solve for psychopaths in control:

When enough of Us know We CAN create better here, We WILL!

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