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RE: Game Freakazoid, come on and Wind me Up!

in #palnet5 years ago

I celebrate the mistakes internally and I am often in awe at the clever solutions they find via phonetics.

Simply beautiful words, I hope there are many more teachers like yourself... I can relate to so much of this post. As a young child, I was told that 'if I wanted to be an artist then I'd better get used to not eating' however it is something I've returned to and embraced as an adult.

To celebrate the child within, be playful and not take myself or life, so seriously, was the best and most positive change I've EVER made for myself. Thanks for sharing such a heart warming story.

But that phonetic spelling... it's completely baffling until you work it out, then it makes complete sense ;)


Thank you for an amazingly encouraging comment, I am glad my words have touched your life. Unfortunately, the experience of having art diminished is something we can all relate to. On the bright side, if we chose to keep art in our life, it is thanks to deeper thought processes where we have truly questioned predominant values in society like productivity for example. Productivity does not mean much without creativity even if you get paid for it.

I am glad that you feel the same way as I about celebrating the child within, let's keep doing that!

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