Elon Musk Palm Reading
Image from http://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-says-teslas-autopilot-reduces-car-accidents-by-50-2016-4
Happy Wednesday Steemit!
Today, I'm going to do a palm reading of Elon Musk.
The first thing that I notice on his hand, is the sheer number of lines running up and down his palm. Whenever there are this many lines on a palm, it shows someone who is very prone to being influenced by their surroundings. Normally, these lines will cross the palm sideways, showing a negative influence of people in the person's life. In Elon Musk's case, all of these lines are going upward. This shows someone who is influenced by their surroundings, but in a completely positive way! He only takes the good from his environment, and apparently leaves the rest alone.
Good job, Elon...
Let's take a look at the Head Line :
His Head line is very long and forked. The length is showing someone who is very mentally active, and with great intellectual potential. The fork at the end is what is known as a “writer's fork.” This shows a boost of creativity, and the ability to shift gears in his brain when it's time to be creative. This also gives people the ability to think from someone else's head(so to speak) to see a greater perspective.
He's obviously a very intelligent and creative guy.
Now let's take a look at the Life Line:
Holy shit.
He has a doubled/tripled life line. First, this shows vitality, and a great deal of support around him. he shouldn't really have to worry about sickness, and the amount of support shows that he is never really screwed.
His outer life line kind of doubles as an extra fate line. This shows that he was put on the road to success by his family.
Heart Line :
His heart line is long and curved upward. The amount of curve shows that he is an emotionally sensitive person. Sometimes this can lead to people failing once and never trying again, but Elon Musk seems to be so positive that is hasn't hampered him at all.
Fate Line :
His fate line starts toward the side of his hand, showing that he requires a network around him. He is a pack wolf, not a lone wolf. He also has a section that starts in the middle, showing a certain amount of self reliance, but the major energy comes from around him.
As the line advances past his heart line, there are at least 3 fate lines that rise to his middle finger. This shows multiple careers, and success in many areas.
Mercury and Apollo lines :
The Apollo line is the one that rises toward his ring finger. This is super long for an Apollo line, and shows lifelong success and happiness. It also starts from the life line, which shows more family influence.
Looking at his hands, this guy was destined to succeed.
The Mercury line rises toward the pinky. This shows his ability to communicate and connect with people. This would make him a great face for a company, as he is a natural communicator.
Mount of Luna :
The side of his otherwise squarish hand is very rounded at the Mount of Luna. This shows a great deal of empathy and intuition. It also hints at some level of psychic awareness. I can see how the intuition would make for a great investor, and somehow he has only taken the positive side of being empathic. Normally, people pick up other people's toxic energy and end up being a mess. Not Elon...
Overall, he looks like an understanding, sharp, charismatic guy who was destined for success. Looking at his hands, he should also give mad props to his family!
If you have any recommendations of who you would like to see a palm reading of, let me know!
Man I want mine done, this is some detailed information haha
If you sent me a high res picture or scan of your palms and some steem dollars, I could do it.