Zionist Forces Arrested A 9 Year Old Boy Today In Occupied Palestine

in #palestine7 years ago

(Video 3:32)

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces detained at least nine Palestinians, including a nine-year-old boy, during raids between Wednesday night and Thursday morning in the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) reported that Israeli forces detained three Palestinians from the Hebron district in the southern West Bank, including nine-year-old Muhammad Ammar Daana, Mumen Ayoub al-Qawasmeh and Adel Barakat Ghaith.

According to United Nations documentation, Israeli forces conducted 166 search and arrest operations across the West Bank between October 24 and November 26.

Meanwhile, Addameer recorded 6,198 Palestinians were detained by Israel as of October. The group has estimated that some 40 percent of Palestinian men will be detained by Israel at some point in their lives.


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Via Shehab News Agency "Watch the occupation forces arrest the child Mohammad Ammar (9 years), at the intersection of schools in the southern region of occupied Hebron, this morning."

The zionist occupation depends on our silence to continue the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Always remember, our silence, is consent.


It's horrendous babe.
Until the criminal enablers in DC and the City of London are taken out I fear this tragic situation will never end. The Israeli government don't even reflect the feelings and beliefs of the Jewish people which is the most frustrating part of this whole debacle.

It's not something that's gets much if any press though which goes to show as if we needed any more proof! that the MSM are a propaganda arm of the criminal bankers and politicians who have an agenda to keep the Middle East in perpetual war.

Thank you for being on top of this Lyndsay, many people would never here of it otherwise such is the silence in the west.

Thank you so much for bringing up this amazing point, that not all Jews are Zionists, not by far! That's why I always distinguish by calling the pro-occupation folks Zionists. They are destroying Judaism by their actions. A couple very famous Jewish men to oppose the occupation with every bone in their body are Miko Peled, and Norman Finkelstein (I'll put an incredible video of Norman below).

And not all Zionists are Jews!
Just look at the psychos in DC and London pushing the agenda constantly. I feel terrible for the Palestinians but also the Jewish folks who are against this occupation being tarred with the same brush as these murdering bastards.

We must always make the distinction, yes.



your blog is something i read whenever i get to steemit.
ive been in journalism for long time (too long), and ive seen many talented people careers crumbled down because of asking questions and raising concerns about the very same subject you write about.
i was covering international affairs too for long time, and i got warned too after i decided to tell a story about murder of 18month old baby in Duma village.

after lot of bad words, insult and threats, ive got told / so what if its true, you were fighting muslims too, how can you defend them?


there is simple red line, which separates those who are killing kids from humanity.

those are not humans to me. no matter what they worship.

only worse kind of 2 leg beasts are those who are justifying it for any reason.

We will always remember BABY ALI Dawabsheh, his Mother and Father, and little Ahmed who was left behind with physical and emotional scars he will carry for life. Where is their justice??? I believe the arsonist is already free is he not??

Thank you so much for giving a damn. The world needs more with long memories like you @interceptor.

Can you imagine if someone did this to an Israeli kid? They would be up in arms screaming bloody murder.

These people care nothing about human rights nor the human race....They are scum overall.

A 9 year old...on what planet is that considered to be warranted?

If the news were showing 24/7 from anywhere in the world, of a child being arrested, people would care. The US would be invading the country to 'save the children from the brutal regime'...it's total bullshit that most folks won't care about something until the 'news' tells them to.

Yes except who runs the news...look at those who are in control. Where do they stand? Do you see the Israeli influence over the news/banking machine?

This situation will never be covered by the MSM...you might get some coverage out of the alternative news agencies but even that is becoming tarnished. Youtube and facebook go around censoring. They claim to be for human rights...yet only when it serves their purposes.

Thankfully DTube is here where any video can be posted and not taken down.

Absolutely Task, we are the only True Media.

Down with that Criminal System! :(

Thank you for always speaking out Davood. You are a man of conscience.

thanks so much for bringing this to light, thank you for not being silent. My heart goes out to Mohammad Ammar, no child such have to go through this.

Thanks for commenting @trucklife-family. I cannot even imagine what it would be to live as they do. Under military occupation, Palestinians can be kidnapped, arrested, killed, face administrative detention...and that this can happen to children, is beyond cruel.

As long as this shit keeps happening, I don't wanna hear anymore whining about the holocaust.
Thank you for bringing out the truth.

Exactly, they are performing their own holocaust on the Palestinians.

Hey @lyndsaybowes this is genuinely shocking and deeply disturbing!! the soldiers responsible for this atrocity should hand their heads in shame, how do these people sleep at night? how do they justify it to themselves? And you're right the UN is completely corrupt so the figures are probably far higher! I really agree with you & @tremendospercy on your points relating to how many Jews are standing up to this and equally how their voices are never heard. They want the perception of the state to be that a unified force. Equally they want the public to think in simplistic black and white, us and them terms so that we all remain eternally divided. Thanks or keeping up the pressure and spreading awareness. As always huge respect from me to you! Speak soon.

Thank you for watching the vlog @perceptualflaws, and for all the support and solidarity you give the Palestinian people. I love <3 you.

Makes me sick! Off course this will go widely unreported around the world. People watch the BS media getting a a warped view of this world, why I dont' watch or read that crap. If people actually used their brains maybe we could doing something; but too many people live their media bubble!

I hope soon Palestine will be free, sending Reiki energy to them all !

From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.

Thanks so much for being awake and aware my friend. Let's hope we can help others to see before more innocent lives are destroyed!

Hope will bring the reality in the end :)

Zionism is cancer!