Ethnic Cleansing in Occupied Palestine Continues

in #palestine7 years ago (edited)

The Zionist Occupation Forces & Settlers At It Again

Defending themselves this time against olive trees and innocent drivers...

(Video 4:13)

Links to what I talked about in the video:

Israeli Occupation Shot Dead Palestinian Driver, Wound His Sister

As olive harvest begins, settlers flood Palestinian trees with sewage

Always Remember, Silence is Consent.


You're a legend Lyndsay!
What a shitty thing to do, sorry for the pun. Another disgraceful episode in the story of the Israeli/Palestinian 'conflict'.
I don't see anyone else here voicing there opinion of this never ending unreported genocide. Keep it up babe.

Thanks for being informed, and for helping to spread the word.

Kudos to you @lyndsaybowes for your persistent and consistent focus on this sickening topic. This is something that I talked about for years. There is nothing worse than hypocrisy. I really detest when one group claim victimization yet turns around and becomes a massive abuser.

The way the Palestinians are treated is horrific. Once again, we see racism in all its glory...done by a group who, historically, has been very quick to point out how they were treated that way. It is appalling how they are quick to use Hiterleresque tactics when "cleansing" the Palestinians while also screaming about anti-semitic behavior around the world. Perhaps they should look in the mirror and clean their own house first.

Well said Angel, thank you so much for seeing through the LIES forced on us by the mainstream media!

I trust the media about as much as I trust a banker....which is none.

When they tell me to look left, I look right....that is usually where the action is....they use diversion to get us looking the wrong way.

I wish more people could think like you! Thank you for being a critical thinker my kindred spirit friend @taskmaster4450 :)

It is really challenging to confront people on their justified violence. It seems that once justified, that makes violence okay. However, all violence, whether justified or not is NOT okay! I think deep down we all know this and so we find ways to justify it so that we can live with ourselves. However, without the justification we would be overwhelmed with guilt, shame and other horrible feelings. It is an astounding power that we have to bypass these feelings. But if we really want to be honest with ourselves, we would put away the justifications and really come to terms with our violent behaviour. That is what is required when we take 100% responsibility and accountability in our lives. Even to the point where we are consciously aware of the violence that is associated with all the consumer products that we purchase too. Just because we cannot see it, does not mean we don't participate in the violence!

It is astounding that we are able to partition our minds, see what we want to see...feel what we want to feel. All negative behaviour is justified by the individual taking those actions.

The thief blames me for leaving my car unlocked. I'm the stupid one and I deserve to be stolen from.

I agree. Blame the victim yet nobody wants to take responsibility for being the one engaged in murder, violence, theft, rape or any of the other shit going doing. It is astounding my dear friend. All I can do is rebuke those engaged in the violence.

I wanna say some stuff here in this comment about what you've reported, but since I know I have a hard time putting things as nicely as most other people I'll refrain from putting those things down here. Suffice to say that this is another example of how disgusting humans behave when they have "power", very sad and angering.

Yeah, this is the result of "might is right" time and time again... :'( :'(

Free Palestine! It is time for the world stops ignoring these atrocities!

Thank you so much for adding your voice @ram.bozo!

I am very confident as in the religion of my belief that the Palestinians will be free and will come wavy man from the east that will help the Palestinians and the truth and justice in the world re-erect, there is no more injustice around the world, all humans happy but lapse after some decades later .. Maybe the world will end...

And I wonder if God is waiting for us to take action.

hopefully we can always be a good person and beneficial to family and society...

@lyndsaybowes It's so good to be back and finding you speaking your truth and remaining strong in the face of much adversity. I'm aware that I may sound like stuck record on these issues but if it's a record that's playing the right tune then that's a badge I wear with pride. When will this madness stop! Whilst we have this insanity going on we have Netanyahu visiting and our Prime Minister trying to blur the lines between anti-semitism and speaking out about the Israeli government. All this at a time when many compassionate Jews are speaking out about their own government. We understand that people cannot be held responsible for the actions of their rulers and although many of us remain divided many more are beginning to understand that we're all in this together. Keep speaking the truth @lyndsaybowes because that cracks are beginning to appear and people from all walks of life are beginning to listen.

I love that you have a caring heart. Spread that love girl

Thank you for caring about human rights.

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Keep it up!
All the best!

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Good friend.

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