Mouhammed al-Durah: A Child Forever.

in #palestine6 years ago


Do you see a threat?
Do you see a training target?
An animal to hunt?
A monster to kill?
Because all I see is a child,
an innocent child hiding
behind his innocent poor father.
If he's ever done a crime
it would be being born in Palestine,
being born Muslim in Palestine.
For that crime, he was condemned
not to ever become a man.
He will be forever a child,
forever twelve,
a symbol,
an icon,
a once living proof
that this world is too evil
for innocence to survive,
that their project is inhuman,
that their army--
all those who were there,
or watched it later
and did nothing
were inhumane.
Now he is dead
and we are alive,
including the one who killed him--
the ones who killed him
for sport.
Now they're citizens of the so-called country
named "Israel"
maybe reading this post.

He is supposed to be 30 years old by now but they didn't allow him to live. And no one ever took the blame.


Not everyone in Israel is like that I have friends on both sides but the people in power are and that needs to change. The Israeli government are criminals sadly some in Hamas are too who pays innocent civilians. What Israel does to children is horrific I do not know if you know what they do with kids who throw rocks . I talked with a mother whose son was taken at 10 and released at 13 he was a total basket case when he came back ... as long as America backs the Israeli government there will never be peace :(

Not everyone in "Israel" is criminal. Well we don't chose our parents or where we get born. I could have been born a jew in Tel Aviv. But I would move out, swich side, or even suicide rather than pay taxes to a government that uses it for such "projects".

You are being bit unfair here, while it is horrible what is happening it is the jewish populations home as well. My country is the biggest aggressor on the planet we kill babies everyday should I kill myself ? Yes I would like to move one day because I hate it here but currently I can't. All I can do is protest , educate and resist. You have no children of our own you might be freer to make certain choices. If I o not pay taxes my animals die because they will put me in jail, take my house ...before that is was my human kids and foster kids who would have been taken from me and put in foster care.

Should you be angry about what is happening in gaza yes but hating cevilliens does not help either. Hate the politicians hate the abusive elements , educate like you did here and if you are brave enough go down there and document. Make videos on site , help organize protests , write articles but don't feed into the hate machine it is the path to darkness ...violence even violence to oneself , breeds just more violence.

Everything born from violence eventually turns , look at the Russian
revolution it was born out of a just anger but because it was brought on by blood and murder it turned into this horrific oppressive machine. There is more at stake than the obvious here, in my country as well which is turning more evil by the day. It really is about the fate f the world at this point but the minute you get pulled into the hate machine you become part of the problem not the solution.

To make things clear, I didn't say you should move out or they ahould suicide. I was saying if I had four choices, one of them is pay for those crimes, that choice would come last, no matter what the other choices are. But that's only me. No one said I'm right.

An entire population cannot pay for the crimes of a nation nor should they. That is the mentality that causes war. You have such a good heart and want to do right don't let it be scarred by hate and anger. Fight evil yes but don't let it turn you evil ...when I as younger like you I got pulled into some political stuff that almost led me into a very dangerous path. I understand your anger a part of me wants to send 90% of humanity to mars because of how they act , but a better world built on that would not be a better world the price of it would seep in and it would be tainted . Also suicide and murder are in most cases the act of cowards not that of the strong and righteous. As long as you live you have the power to make things better if you are dead you can't . I love you little brother please be carful and take care of your heart .

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