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RE: Getting started on Paleo (or any other Real Food diet) – Part 2

in #paleo8 years ago

Oh yeah, and I just checked out @sift666 and I have to say that I LOVE that that is your guy haha! We would all get along quite famously, my husband is easily as un pc as your man. I'm trying to convince him to get on steemit. He's the one who got me on here, but his huge brain would do well :)


Yep, not many as un-pc as him, so nice to know there are a few :-)

Especially prude ass Americans LOL. His favorite nickname for me is tits or titanias (which is his way of calling them large), which he likes to touch along with my bum at the most inappropriate times especially, haha! Married for nearly seventeen years, I'm definitely not complaining, I think the less hang ups you have the happier you are all around :)

I don't think anyone would call you prude ass! Or as we kiwis, and the Aussies & Brits, would say: prude arse...

Nope, not me, but Americans in general can be a bit...I definitely could tell your guy (husband?) thinks so and I can't disagree with him LOL

And to be honest, once upon a time I was one of them (cringe) I grew up in a very censored household, church two to three times a week, Jesus is the only way to heaven etc. I went on a long journey of rebirth as the new free me which didn't completely come to fruition until my late twenties. I like to say that MKultra has nothing on born-again Christian parents haha! Don't get me wrong, I love my folks, we just no longer view the world and beyond with the same narrow lens. Though they have relaxed a bit themselves in recent years ;)

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