Cultivation of Broccoli (Cabbage Branch)

in #pakistan3 years ago

Introduction to Broccoli
Broccoli is considered to be native to Italy. It is said to have been introduced to the Americas by Italian immigrants in 1925. It was commonly used in the 19th century. Broccoli belongs to the (Brassicaceae) family and its botanical name is Brassica oleracea var. This vegetable of nutritional and medicinal importance is grown in winter. Broccoli is used as a salad or cooked. Broccoli contains up to 3.3% protein and vitamins. Contains significant amounts of A, C and riboflavin which reduce the risk of various diseases within the human body. Produce.

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Natural Ingredients
Recent research has shown that 00 1 gram of broccoli contains various natural ingredients such as calories (34), water 89 (%), protein (2.8) grams, carbohydrates 6.6) (grams, sugars (1.7). (Gram, fiber (2.6) grams, fat 0.4) (grams, omega-3) (0.02 grams and omega-6) 0.02 (grams).

Like cauliflower, broccoli is a winter vegetable. The ideal temperature for this is 15 to 18 degrees Celsius, while 24 degrees Celsius is considered the average temperature for its production. If the temperature is 30 degrees Celsius. If it exceeds the grade, its production and quality are severely affected.

Types and cultivation time:
Weather conditions have a significant effect on the cultivation of broccoli, so take care of the temperature during its cultivation. Apply its cheese during the first week of October. Broccoli cheese is ready within 30 to 35 years. Then move it to the fields at a distance of 45cm × 45cm. It is usually moved to the field within the second week of November. Broccoli is usually grown with cheese, but sometimes it can be grown with a sixth depending on the weather conditions. With a sixth, 500 to 800 grams of seeds are enough for one acre. 200 to 300 grams of seeds are used for this. When 3 to 4 leaves of a plant are formed inside the nursery, transfer it inside the field. In case of sixth planting, plant it within 20 to 30 days so that the plants are fully developed.

Irrigation depends on soil moisture and climatic conditions. Because broccoli is a winter vegetable, it does not need a lot of water, so usually give light watering after an interval of 3 to 4 days. In case of rise in temperature, increase the duration of watering to 3 days.

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The use of nutritious chemical fertilizers is essential for the successful cultivation of broccoli Use 1 kg nitrogen per hectare. Apply nitrogen fertilizers intermittently while 40% nitrogen should be applied before transferring the cheese. Apply boron at the appropriate time. Apply 15-20 tons of organic matter per hectare before planting broccoli.

Insects and diseases:
Green bag:
Excessive humidity in the air causes the green oil to spread. Within one to two warm days, the green oil invades the entire field. In the event of this attack, the growth of new emerging branches is stopped, which Broccoli production is severely affected. Proper use of pesticides prevents the loss of this green oil.

Clubroot ــ:
It is a common disease in the Brassica family caused by fungi. The disease is transmitted to the crop through infected seeds. The leaves of the infected crop turn yellow and the plant withers. Inside, the roots become lumpy, which causes the plant to stop taking its food from the soil and eventually the plant dies. Highly acidic soils are considered good for this disease, so broccoli Two months before planting, add a little lime to the soil.

Downy mildew ـ:
Cabbage and broccoli are a common disease caused by a fungus that causes yellow spots on the leaves and sometimes a white mildew under the leaves. Plant growth is affected. To prevent this, it is important to immediately clean up crop debris scattered in and around the field and use a suitable fungicide.

Bacterial soft rot:
It is a bacterial disease that occurs in wet and hot places. It usually starts in the middle of the flower and initially turns into black streaks. To prevent this, it is important to use bacteria-free seeds and increase the duration of irrigation as the presence of high humidity in the soil increases the risk of spreading the disease.
Tolerance of broccoli.

Timely tolerance of broccoli is the guarantee of its quality. When its buds become hard and strong before flowering, cut it. When the flower leaf turns yellow, tolerate broccoli immediately. For its better quality. Always tolerate in the morning. Cut off the top of the stem, including the fruit. Store fresh broccoli in the freezer for 2 to 3 days.
Can be done. Wash broccoli thoroughly with clean water before storing and dry well before storing.

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