DERVISH and TUBA paintings. Ibiza 2005

in #painting7 years ago (edited)

99x80cm Acrylic on wood.
Private collection.

This image is the only one I have. It´s unfinished here. I wish I had a photo of the finished painting but I lost the CDrom it was recorded on and now I have lost track of it. Shame!

I was very inspired by the Sufi tradition when I painted this, reading Idries Shah. I was also listening to a lot of Omar Faruk Tekbilek´s music after I attended a live concert and was totally enchanted by the experience.

"I once looked into a birds eye and saw a view I had never seen. It was the image of a tree that brought earth and heaven toghether from it´s roots to the highest stretching branches. The ones that couldn´t reach the sky would turn into birds, that like himself, would fly all around the world sharing this image with whoever stopped to look at him in the eye.
Under this tree, there were some dncing plants, turning infinitly. He told me they were darvishes. They had grown there to generate enough energy so that the tree could grow high into the sky and so that the birds could take off and fly away.
This was a powerful place."

I hope you enjoyed this little tale.
Thank you for reading!
Best Wishes, Romanie.

TUBA. en español.
"Una vez miré en el ojo de un pájaro y vi un paisaje que él había visto. Era un árbol que unía el cielo y la tierra desde sus raíces hasta sus ramas más altas y aquellas que no lograban alcanzar el cielo se convertían en pájaros como él, que volarían por todo el mundo llevando este mensaje en la retina para cualquiera que se detuviera a mirarle.
Debajo de este árbol habían unas plantas que bailaban girando infinitamente, y me dijo que se llamaban derviches. Habían crecido allí para crear la energía posible para que el árbol creciera alto hasta el cielo, y para que los pájaros pudieran nacer y salir volando con el impulso de este viento.
Este era un lugar poderoso."
Aquí un pequeño anexo: un cuadro sacado de la inspiración del otro.

DERVICHE. 49x42cm. Acrílico sobre madera. Ibiza 2006


For a while; i was enchanted by the Sufis. Have you seen the movie Bab'Aziz?
If you haven't, watch it. It's absolutely magical.

I haven´t seen it, thanks for the tip! I´ll watch it! cool!

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