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RE: My Latest Painting (“Kettle & Petals”) and Its Development.

in #painting5 years ago

What a lovely painting @jameszenartist. It look exactly like real kettle. You are so detailed in the painting. Seldom can find this type of kettle. Normally people use it to make tea. The white cloth with few petals really a perfectly match. I love the soft color combination of it to reflect the kettle. It must took you sometime to finish it.


@oliviackl Thank you so much :) Come to think of it yeah I would say it took me about a month to complete.

A month with such beautiful painting, it really worth it. You plan to frame it? It sure very beautiful as a wall painting.

Thank you, yeah I would say that's about an average time span for a painting of this size. And yes as a matter of fact all of my work is made with the intention of being framed and sold :)

If you'd like to be notified as to when new work is out and readily available, you can subscribe to my newsletter here:

Opps, I talking to a professional artist.. Yay... first time I managed talk to a professional artist. Now I knew why your art so beautiful :p... Subscribed the newsletter hehehe..

Edited: The subscribe side seems have some issue, cannot subscribe successfully.

@oliviackl Thank you so much ^_^ ..I suppose when you dedicate your whole life to something, you're bound to eventually be good at it right? ;)

And thank you for bringing this to my attention. I apologize for the technical issues; this is the first time I've ever heard of this. I am looking into it as we speak. So far, I have found that people that use the internet explorer browser sometimes experiences issues. Every other browser works fine.

In the meantime, if you like you could send me your contact info/email and I could add you manually?

[email protected]

Oh yes please.. Please add [email protected]. Thank you!! I used firefox to register, seems it doesn't work as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

@oliviackl You're quite welcome! :) And I thank you for your patience as well. I'm not sure why its acting buggy, but according to my research I guess there has been plenty of others who have been experiencing similar issues.

So I put you in and it looks like a success! And to give you a heads up, I can assure you that there will be a new newsletter coming very very soon ;)

Thank you!! Have a nice weekend.

Posted using Partiko Android

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