A Life Led By Pain - Activate Your Spirit

in #pain6 years ago


Pain is incredible. It has an ability to transcend time. It pierces through manipulation and control. It is unbiased, unpredictable, defying logic. Everyone has it, regardless of the context that creates it. It, in my opinion, has the greatest impact on who people are, how they develop, and what is driving their life.

What we do with the pain is our choice. It can cause us to raise up our emotional walls to protect us from that next experience of rejection. It often times helps us keep our dreams and goals manageable, mediocre, and easily attainable as to not have to experience that searing pain of failure. It will quickly develop relationship norms that are driven by control so as not to have to deal with the pain of someone betraying your trust. It drives the next medication, and creates a social stigma, labeling you as an alcoholic, workaholic, pill popper, clean freak, sex freak, control freak or whatever the trending term is...

What ever the label is - its pervasive and easy for us to attach our idea of who we are too it. It's easier that way...we can control it...but thats not how we start...I do not know a 5 year old that wants to grow up and become an insecure addict.

The challenge I have found by choosing to be directed by my pain, is that life sucks to live...at least from my experience for 19 years. Maybe you would say to some rando that you are content with your life, I was living that facade - which i think most of us do. It's a survival mechanism..in reality living a life safeguarded by the impact of pain actually makes you sterile. The life within you is slowly replaced by artificial medication and minimal human connection. Averageness and complacency seep in and you gradually become fat (inside and out) allowing yourself to slowly die...

this picture is a pretty realistic idea of our lives in the beginning...
I think the zeal and passion that you see in 6 years olds is only supposed to grow...while life begins hitting us out the gate...I think we are actually created to not only thrive but burn with life that is desirable, fueled, raging. A Life that stares down the challenges and pains of life with the expectation that we will actually stand up and fight.

As my kids are growing. I am finding them starting to take on pain. My wife and I are getting to watch them and help train them to develop a framework of caution and pessimism because of rejection or fear of death. Or we can help them develop a framework of taking on the pain and fear by allowing their spirit man to actually live.

People call that internal drive lots of different things. I call it my Spirit Man. Call it whatever you want. Religious or not.

If you are looking to activate your Spirit and engage your pain- I invite you to open up a Bible.

You can get your perception of the Bible or any religion from really anyone...the problem with that is you build your framework on someone else's opinion.

If you would like to engage your Spirit and your pain...for yourself...open up a Bible. Read it for yourself.

My experience with reading my own Bible and choosing to activate my Spirit is I have gone from a insecure lonely kid to someone actually engaging my pain, tapping into a spiritual reality that enables me to counter my pain with real peace, joy and hope.

It takes time and discipline, and its a start for anyone wanting to stop being ruled by their pain. There is more for you...

Live big Today - Choose Greatness...happy Sunday


Good post since it makes me look back of my life! Thanks. Upvoted

glad you enjoyed it

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