Lo, there you go, O Goddesses

in #pagan2 years ago (edited)


Lo, there you go, O Goddesses
Of Earth and Sea
Of Sky and Fire
Ladies of the heavens and the underworld
Tempering that rampaging of Gods and Men
For glorious is your power
Which teaches and instructs rather than conquer

O Hera, Queen of heaven
With eyes that set betrayers to shaking

O Athena, Lady of Wisdom
Strong, powerful, and with the courage to fight on

O Demeter, Blessed Mother
Blesser of the barren earth with life

O Artemis, Mistress of the Animals
Lovingly tending the forest and savagely avenging those who abuse it

O Aphrodite, Sweet Lady of Love
Who like love is both tender and savage

O Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth
First born as well as last you bless our homes with your presence

We thank you and offer to you our sacrifice
Burning on the altars
Or buried in the Earth
We are blessed to know you
And you too, who are not of Kronos born

O Selene of the ever changing Moon
Daughter of Hyperion

O Hekate of the many titles
Whose power is beyond reckoning

O Persephone, Daughter of Demeter
Queen of the lands below

O Amphitrite of the flowing Seas
Calmer of the sea storms

Of Olympian fame or Chthonic power
Yours is a faith I follow
For you are the power that sustains

Art: Hera by Phil Jimenez from Wonder Woman Historia
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