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RE: I've found something worth dying for. (My Christian non-violence support of the non-aggression principal.)

in #pacifism8 years ago

Thanks for the kinds words. As two the first two quotes, there is some debate about the word "sword" in Matthew 10:34. I actually have another post where I describe some of the issue with how a lot of people picture what he's talking about. The Greek word is "machaira" and it's used to describe a small sword. Some people have posited it may have been almost more decorative than used as an actual weapon of war.

Revelation 13:10, I've always taken that as something of a rally cry to the believers that some of them would have to die by the sword, and that they should. That section is describing a time when the first beast will rule so it's certainly not talking about a victorious church killing those that need to be killed. In some ways it could be used to strengthen the position that if someone is trying to kill you with a sword that it should happen, or just that Christians should be outside of war and allow the people led astray by the beast to kill those they are trying to.

As to the stuff from Luke 22, I agree that Jesus was supposed to be arrested and that he certainly didn't need anyone's help, but if this is the reason for him telling Peter to put the sword away, why did he never instruct when the right time would be? There was never a, "and the time will come after I have gone to my Father that the unbelievers will take up their weapons against you and in this time you shall defend your brothers and sisters in my name." Even beyond the story there, if Jesus intended the apostles to use the sword(s) in self defense, why did they never use them? Would not Stephen have been justified in using a sword during his unjust trial and execution? I understand and agree that Jesus never blatantly says not to take part in war, but we have the example of all of his closest followers that never used violence in their own defense, and all the apostles save one died because of martyrdom. Considering this, I find it genuinely hard to justify violence when the examples of people we are to live like never do.

I appreciate the questions. I love discussing this topic in particular, even though it's usually a very big hot-button issue.


Good points.
Jesus didn't criticize several Christian centurions for their occupation.
Stephen was submitting to the governing authorities in the Romans 13 sense - which also authorized them to bear the sword.
Still "Take a purse and a bag and sell your cloak for a sword" is a command to each individual being sent out into the mission field" since it follows a reference to the last time he sent them out two by two. So part of their standard missionary equipment was a way to defend themselves along the way. More important than a cloak on a cold night!

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