P3D - minigame - DivGarden

in #p3d6 years ago (edited)

Come tend my p3d DivGarden contract!

Contract address: 0xdaA282aBA7F4AA757fAC94024dfb89f8654582D3
etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xdaa282aba7f4aa757fac94024dfb89f8654582d3
play at: https://divgarden.dvx.me/ (under construction)

What is P3D?

P3D is a dividend token that is bought and sold with 10% cut on each transaction. it takes the cut and pays it out to all holders.

The minigame

This minigame serves as a proof of concept for integrating P3D into my bigger dapp game I'm coding.

The game is a smart contract that buys p3d and collect divs (eth dividends). Anyone who bought a 'claim ticket' at the contract can pay half the eth to claim the divs.
The eth you pay to receive the divs is set aside to buy new p3d with, serving as a 50% reïnvest.
you can buy claim tickets at the contract as a single ticket or in bundles of 10,100,1k,10k and 100k.
Naturally the more tickets you buy the better the price per ticket is.

Choices of claiming divs

  • Expand and Harvest
    This one initiates a buy p3d and collects the divs. Costs 1 ticket
  • onlyHarvest
    This one costs less gass because it only collects the divs for you but it costs 2 tickets instead of 1.
  • Expand
    This one doesn't collect divs for you but it initiates the buyp3d order, costs 1 ticket.

Why the ticket sales?

The sales of tickets will serve as p3d faster expansion then just reïnvesting. Without this feature it would be better to just collect divs yourself and reïnvest the half.
I imagine it with an analogie as the contract being a fruit orchard where you can go and pick out your own fruit from the trees, it costs you an entry ticket and you pay half the price of the actuall store value of your pickings you take home. The transaction gas represents your own labor in fetching the fruit.

Why create this minigame?

first reason: The contract doesn't have a sellp3d function so it will be the ultimate strong hand.
second: I'm too lazy to tend to my own div garden

What's your take?

I take 1% of the funds that is gonna buy p3d.

How do I play the game

Best is to wait for the UI portal my UI guy is going to setup which makes sure you don't fuck up on inputting all the correct parameters.

Is the code verified and auditable?

Yes it is! I talked to the contract coder of P3D and it was very enlightening. he also helped me setup some code I couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Please don't get scammed by scammers who clone my code and turn it into a scam!

Remember I brought it to you first and wanted it to be a div garden for the whole community without scam!
Please only use my upcoming portal to actually play this minigame!
those of you knowledgeable in contract code can go and play the game already through MEW.

There will be variations of this minigame

I will create a few alteratons versions of this one so you have diffrent game versions before you're allowed to claim the divs of that contract.

At time of writing the claimable divs in the contract are:

That is the amount of eth in wei.
Happy harvesting!
P.S. If you gonna steal my code please donate some eth/tokens to my address first:

Thank you!
edit: pic for counter that steemit lacks
web counter
blog counter

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