misogynist liberals attack Melania Trump for having a garden that looks like a garden in the fall

in #p4 years ago

Perhaps you remember Melania Trump’s hallway of red Christmas trees from 2018; if not just check the archives of the Washington Post which published at a minimum four stories about them and about how Trump’s “nightmare forest” would be considered bad luck in Europe where red trees are a no-no.
Excited to honor history & celebrate the future in our beautiful @WhiteHouse Rose Garden this evening. Thank you to all who helped renew this iconic & truly gorgeous space. pic.twitter.com/ggiqLkdGbw
— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) August 22 2020
Now the first lady has overseen a renovation of the Rose Garden which hasn’t been altered for about 60 years. History writer Jennifer Wright compares the colorful happy Obama garden with Trump’s which is “entirely devoid of color or joy.”
Here is the colorful happy Rose Garden under Obama and here is Melania's unveiling of the new garden entirely devoid of color or joy. pic.twitter.com/j9cNXC63tC
— Jennifer Wright (@JenAshleyWright) August 22 2020
Alexa what are seasons?
So she's a history writer…
Who doesn't know when flowers bloom.
People let Trump really bring out their stupid don't they? https://t.co/PCMeX95F0d
— Nathan Wurtzel is a silly name but it's mine (@NathanWurtzel) August 23 2020
If you don't know that tulips don't bloom in August you may be stupid enough to be a blue check. H/t @mdrache. https://t.co/rlo9ewr5Ta
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) August 23 2020
High rise dweller doesn’t understand seasons and flowers. https://t.co/wd34OQiY8L
— Smittie™ GED (Hons) BS (D-) (@smittie61984) August 22 2020
You realize it's late summer and flowers are dying off about now right?
Also tulips are short-lived spring flowers.
— Dog guy (@Catsorange1) August 23 2020
Different plants bloom at different times of year. Crazy how nature do that.
Insane resistance journo: “Gardens how do they work!?” pic.twitter.com/XhrTsmTEEY
— Billy Gribbin (@BillyGribbin) August 22 2020
I like righteous snark as much as anyone.
But as a retired professional gardener it's misleading to compare a mature spring garden (tulips flowering trees) with a just planted mid-summer garden.
An August photo of the Obama rose garden might have been more on point.
— Debbie Hillman — Food + Farms + Democracy (@DLHillman) August 22 2020
It's a French-style formal garden rather than the slightly more English-style that was there.
It depends more on tightly clipped shrubbery than flowing perennials and what they put in probably isn't in bloom right now.
For instance obama's tulips and cherries bloom in spring.
— Laura Fingram (@schmendimite) August 22 2020
Not completely fair as pic of garden by Obama's is in spring and in full bloom. Would not look as colourfull this time of year. But I agree that the new minimal garden lacks colour and interest.
— Maaike de Vries (@mkdvrs) August 22 2020
I mean the first picture is spring and the second is us here at the end of the growing season but clearly she ditched the trees. Agree it looks a bit blah
— Vanessa is social distancing (@prpeep) August 22 2020
I totally AGREE! I am not a gardener but I know Tulips and that tree don’t bloom in Summer. I also read the side walk was forced in by ADA .
— Tiffany Staples (@tstaples1313) August 22 2020
Did they remove a bunch or trees or is it forced perspective in the other photo and the trees are in a diff area?
— leslie smeslie (@TheRevDrLeslie) August 22 2020
@DrBiden please bring back the colour and the cherry trees!
— Grant (@Wigs_Niagara) August 23 2020
According to C-SPAN the crabapple — not cherry — trees were moved to another part of the White House lawn.
VIDEO: Renovated White House Rose Garden. Notable changes:
-New limestone pathways form an outer border around the grass and an inner border for the boxwood and flowers.
-10 crabapple trees were taken to the offsite to be cared for and will be replanted around WH grounds. pic.twitter.com/ibnYHfvQMY
— CSPAN (@cspan) August 22 2020
It looks great! Can't wait until all the flowers are blooming in their seasons.
— Amy (@famousamosquito) August 23 2020
I like the new garden! So serene.
— BKLYN (@wonderlandmom) August 22 2020
Tentacle-porn enthusiast Kurt Eichenwald said the renovation was “the first time I have been furious that @FLOUTS is a foreigner.”
Looks like the tentacle porn enthusiast is triggered by Melania beautifying the Rose Garden. pic.twitter.com/vadJpOT85z
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) August 22 2020
Michelle devoted her energies on starting a vegetable garden so low income people could eat healthier.
— Chuck Miller (@ChasMiller54) August 22 2020
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The woman who scaled back school lunches to next to nothing did hold a photo op with some kids really really enjoying their turnips that she famously rocked out to in a “Turnip for What” Vine video:

Here’s a take:
Oh look at Melania's renovated rose garden at the White House. Does anyone else see how the small bushes spell KKK in rows? pic.twitter.com/dAIA4LF4OG
— Stone (@stonecold2050) August 22 2020
But seriously folks …
The newly renovated Rose Garden is seen Saturday morning. @FLOTUS's project which is supported by the National Park Service and funded by private donations took just about three weeks to complete. pic.twitter.com/lYPY7BBszd
— Doug Mills (@dougmillsnyt) August 22 2020
Congratulations to @FLOTUS for spearheading the much needed renovation of the historic @WhiteHouse Rose Garden for the first time in 60 years.
The diamond shape pattern matches the original design & includes the new the “Pope John Paul II Rose” in honor of his 1979 visit. pic.twitter.com/1al14Gx2XK
— PARIS (@PARISDENNARD) August 22 2020
Here’s the correct take:
God fighting over the rose garden just seems so completely disconnected from anything that actually matters in the world.
— Ben White (@morningmoneyben) August 23 2020


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