Native Ozark Wildflowers - Red Flowers - Indian Paintbrush

Castilleja coccinea

Indian Paintbrush is in the Snapdragon family. It is common in prairies, glades, seepy areas, open and moist woodland thickets, and wet soil along streams. It is found throughout the Ozarks.

These were found at an area known as Pebble Dam when I went walking there with @melodyrussell a few weeks ago.


Indian Paintbrush blooms from April to July.


Indian Paintbrush typically gets about 12" tall. Sometimes the flowers are yellow instead of red.


Indian Paintbrush is considered a partial parasite. It attaches itself to the roots of other plants to obtain nourishment.


Native Americans used a weak tea made of the flowers as a treatment for rheumatism and as a contraceptive. They also used it as "love charm" in food and as a poison to destroy their enemies.

Thanks for stopping by another edition of Native Ozark Wildflowers! Stay tuned for more!

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ah i love these. just saw them at our local conservation hangout!! <3 the color!!!

Nice! I love finding wildflowers. It's one of my favorite activities.

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