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RE: An Abrasive And Equally Embracing Politically Correct And Equally incorrect Contender #fff #71

in #outofthinair4 years ago

Great post my friend, from the first word to the last. You know the old saying, one bad apple spoils the whole basket. Well, that very old saying is so true when it comes to racial divide, antisemitism, or any other destructive form of disdain for humanity.
The squeaky wheel always gets the grease, and the squeaky wheel in most cases is a handful of misinformed individuals who's views have been nurtured in a way that fosters hatred.
I do believe that the majority of people are good souls that despise that bad apple as much as the next guy.
Good deeds will not make headlines, and therefore are not as lucrative as events that tell stories of horror, to those who hold the purse strings.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that evil can be found in every corner of this little speck of a rock we live on, but for the most part I think everyday people like ourselves have a good heart.
Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday, and for the reasons you mention. It's also a holiday that has yet to be commercialized to the point where you want to vomit.
It is refreshing to hear someone stick up for this great country we live in, despite its flaws, which are hard to overlook.
While clicking on the link of the timeline sequencing the horrific events of the recent attacks on the people of Great Britain, I was reminded of how just a few individuals can so profoundly effect the lives of so many.
But in each horrible attack, good people put their own safety on the line to stop the madness.
I'm proud to have @dandays be a spokesman for the country I call home.


“You know what the Sweed just told me? I just got the chills.” That’s exactly what I said to Pura just now and I didn’t want to mess up the wording. Dude, Steemit could go away, I could forever lose my eyesight or who knows what can happen between now and the time you get this message but as real as I’ve tried to be throughout this Steemit life, or blogging thing—I don’t even know what to call it, I believe you know I mean it when I say I want you to know I would miss your conversations the most.

I really don’t even know what to say man. I would typically go down the line and respond mono-e-mono but you’ve really humbled me with this one.

“Thank you” isn’t good enough but please accept it anyway. Happy Thanksgiving, Sweed.

I’m proud to call him my spokesman too! Such a nice comment Sweed!!!

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