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RE: What’s Wrong With This Picture?

in #outofthinair5 years ago

Just don’t eat the PB&J before the spicy peppers. 👍🏿 I didn’t see any trails in Costa Rica. I guess I didn’t pay close enough attention the times I was in Texas. That’s interesting though!

Some of the fiends we’ve met here have dropped comments from time to time about aren’t we going to have thanksgiving and celebrate the slaughter of the Native Americans? I tell them, “they didn’t write it like that in our issued history books.” 😉

I hope you have a great thanksgiving, @janton! Don’t be such a recluse and go celebrate the holiday!


Haha! "Some of the fiends we've met here!" lol..I thought you've been meeting wonderful people over there sir dandays! lol. That's too funny. That's like verbally tripping on air but all of us do it and I'm sure I do that kind of tripping more than you.

Well, not celebrating Thanksgiving isn't because I'm being a recluse. It's because Mrs. J. will be working part of it and we don't have any friends or family here. Well, she has some friends but they all have their own family gatherings to go to.

Really cool people! Kind. They’re all patient, too, nobody is eager to get where they have to go and, for the most part, everyone lives in the moment.

Where I come from, even saying “hello” goes against the days schedule.

lol! Laughing at your last sentence. It's hard to believe that the whole attitude and outlook is so different. Much healthier. Here people are so frenetic and desperate to get where they're going even if it's to get home and just lay on the couch. I guess zero patience is a big factor.

Hey I just saw you were in the top ten of the League! The numbers are a joke anymore since all the big commmenters have left but still, it's free steem.

I don’t have many complaints in Europe, sir. I really like it here. Everyone is so kind and welcoming.

Would you believe I placed 8th for two straight weeks?? I didn’t even know I was doing anything special. It didn’t take much to discourage me, though. I mentioned to Asher how shocked I was. I said something like “whhaaat?! Two weeks in a row, there’s more than one way to get Asher to keep an eye on me.” And then I added this emoji - 😉. You know wtf he said?!

“I didn’t notice you made it last week.”

lol! So encouraging! Well he's got hundreds of people to try and keep track of plus he's working in the outside world now so..but that's hilarious to me, sorry I'm not really laughing at you but the situation.

Me and one of the other past leaders were laughing hysterically at the low numbers, a year ago the top people wouldn't have even made it into the top ten. But hey, if you can earn free steem with no extra effort then this is a great time to be part of it. I thought you took yourself out of the League? What are you, bipolar? lol.

You’re right. I did. And I specifically did because I don’t appreciate his or any of their large wallets who only support each other. They vote the exact same authors at the exact same time, it makes me sick. I’ll have more effort in this repossessed than 50% of the articles who average $30/post.

I got back in because of all the downvotes I’m getting, I was hoping to get some positive reinforcement and have the big wallets support what I’m doing, I figured his page was a good place to do that—I figured wrong.

I just put up an article last night with over 50 images that took an entire train ride to write. I did the research, fact checking, did my edits when we got back. The connection here is lousy so I spent probably 2 hours just uploading images and it’s already in the teens on downvotes.

Got a blanket? This Kleenex isn’t adequate for all of these tears. Boo frikkin hoo followed by a “wa!!”

edit The article I linked in this one—I’m deleting the images in my phone, I said “over 50” and it looks like I should’ve said “100.”

Howdy today sir dandays! lol.." Boo frikkin hoo" it DOES suck royally and it's depressing. Yeah the League doesn't help get more votes because at that level everyone who's doing anything on here already have the people they like and their plates are full. I mean you could pick up a few.

Another giant post with 100 photos?? Holy smokes. If you're doing that much work, a whole train ride worth, you need to be posting on weku too. How long was the train ride? lol.

Some people say this is just a giant scam run by the whales and others say it HAS been but things are changing. I don't know what to believe. Someone said the price of steem went down to 10 cents a few days ago? wow.

I also heard that to get the big votes you have to spend alot of time on discord chatting up the influencers and big leaders.

Steem didn’t hit 10 cents. Maybe 12 but I didn’t see it. Not 10 though, that’s for sure.

3 hours, Janton! That was a three hour train ride. Ha! :sh: It’s just you and i here, right? That one’s a secret.

I’m not complaining about the rewards as of late, I’m thankful I’m getting some recognition, it’s been a long time coming.

Is mrs. j schedule to work thanksgiving day, sir? What about Friday through Sunday?

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