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RE: How Steem impacted My Life - Can You Twit, Tweet, Twat, Whatever it’s called, This Article For Me❓

in #outofthinair5 years ago

Wow @dandays … this is probably one of the best posts you ever produced, but I'm holding judgement until I wake up from my nap and finish reading it :>)

Now, now Don't all you Dan-Fan, Groupies get all huffy and bent outta shape because of my superior, sarcastic wit...(Jealous Bastards...)


this is probably one of the best posts you ever produced

Coming from a really old guy in New York, I’m really glad you think so, sir, THANK YOU. <— bigger than that.

(maybe I should wait until my second cup before I click the send button) Nah...

Thanks, @angryman, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a little concerned when you were awol recently. I’m a big fan of your articles too. It’s my pleasure to put these together for you, thank you for always being so supporting. Mushy, mushy, something else, mushy, another something else, ok, you can return to your nap now. ZzzzZZzzzzzz

Thanks, @angryman. Regardless of what character I’m in to put these articles together for you, they’re we’re all very appreciative of your continued support. Happy Friday, sir.

You bundled a few comments back to me (which is okay) I'm trying to respond in the order they appear, so here goes...

#1 Above:

I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a little concerned when you were awol recently. I’m a big fan of your articles too.

Concerned for my well-being, or concerned that I abandoned the platform? I've been here over two years now, and occasionally I pull a disappearing act for various personal reasons. Though when I do vanish...I usually stop in to check my friends activities, curate and sometimes comment. If I don't comment, I think that some people don't even realize I left them a vote because my name may not appear on their drop down menu; too far behind others with higher vote value (Mine is only .01 centavos at 100% presently)

I'm not the type who leaves comments all the time, just to leave a comment unless I feel that it has something of potential value within it (most of the time) Yet, I almost ALWAYS respond back to comments left for me (A sign that I'm an extremely Noble person of great value to the planet)

Unless of course, the comment is a common spam like comment or hateful. In that case, I usually just silently continue on my journey here (Especially with the Trolls) I'm too old to fuss with that useless game :>)

Nice to hear from you brudda.
The Old Guy from New York (And, comfortably so...)

*(guess I’m guilty of a copy/paste response this morning because apparently I like to respond to myself! I’ve done that a few times lately. 🤔) Ok, here it is, the response I meant to respond to you and instead sent it to myself.


I’m back. There, you’ve been warned.

Your well being actually, I was concerned for you, yourself. But now that you’re back I guess I was a little concerned to deserted the platform—glad that isn’t the case. So I’m going with 85/15, your well-being is the heavier side.

Not sure if well-being and heavier side have ever made sense when smashed together like that but you know what I mean.

Mushy, mushy, something else, mushy again, and two more something else’s.

Happy Sunday, @angryman! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Yeah, like you I too like to comment to myself sometimes, then respond back :>) Keeps life interesting that way, especially when starved for attention.

Have you touched down in Greece now? Hope you and Pura are doing fine wherever ya iz.

Negative, sir. We’ve already done did Greece, went east to west. That was during your 3 month cooling period. Then Israel. Speaking of cooling off, we’re currently U.K. where it’s anything but cooling off—its’fa king freezing!

That was during your 3 month cooling period.

It was only about six weeks or so, but it looked like two months according to how steemit tags stuff.

THREE months...!?!?!?!? Well...damn, I must have really been missed then.

You know how blockchain time advances.

I’m back. There, you’ve been warned.

Your well being actually, I was concerned for you, yourself. But now that you’re back I guess I was a little concerned to deserted the platform—glad that isn’t the case. So I’m going with 85/15, your well-being is the heavier side.

Not sure if well-being and heavier side have ever made sense when smashed together like that but you know what I mean.

Mushy, mushy, something else, mushy again, and two more something else’s.

Happy Sunday, @angryman! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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