Oslo - spring is definitively here

in #oslo6 years ago (edited)

Those photos are taken in the Oslo city centre. Of course it's a bit artificial, probably there are professional gardeners at play - and I have no clue what that tube sticking up from the ground is for.

This is from the old University area (we also got a new University area a bit outside the downtown area, as the University outgrew it's old campus).

Some places they've been stacking up heaps of snow while cleaning, such heaps takes a bit longer to melt (we're still on the old University campus)

Those iron pots are not made for decoration, they are actually anti-terror barriers preventing madmen from driving fast into the university area with a big truck ... but they look much better now than during the winter time.

Those flower pots are almost everywhere in the downtown area by now. "Security theatre" IMHO.

Now I've passed Karl Johan and I'm close to the National Theatre.

Outside the kiosk that is outside the Nationaltheateret metro station.

My plan for the day was to varnish the boat. Now that the sea ice is gone and my dhingy is working, I decided to put it by anchor between some islands, and work with the varnishing while it's at anchor. I've previously shown that there is still some artificially made heaps of snow that haven't melted fully yet, and I also believe there is still quite much snow up in the forests - but I was surprised to see "natural" snow right down by the sea in Bærum. Those patches have been in the shadow and the sea has been frozen until recently

The snow usually lasts for longer the higher up in the terrain - in my neighbourhood at Grorud it may sometimes be snowing while it's raining downtown - but the snow is long gone (except for some few of those "artificial" heaps).

This photo is from a ditch at Grorud, and those flowers are for sure not aided by gardeners.

All photos available in better resolution on IPFS QmdJ1BSQSexLvLvpA2HKju1RgtYCx7WJcCeeU5VnwaTkG1. License: CC BY-SA 4.0


In my authority as talent-free amateur gardener, let me confirm to you that when flowers appear in straight rows, there must have been gardeners at work:-)

But the flowers growing by the root of the tree are less obvious. I guess they are planted though :-)

true.. it was probably a creative gardener having a few onions left.

Nice tour as always. Those black tubes protruding from the ground look like a drip irrigation system. Excellent but they don't last long, they always break -- very high maintenance. I put them all over the landscape in my area but wound up ripping them all out of the ground years later since they had long before stopped working.

The thing I often remember about the Spring Thaw in the North is the smell of the Earth. It's like there is no smell all winter and then that softening and dampening and living odor of ... what? It's the mud, the Earth, the soil and a child experiences it with freshness.

Nothing uglier than an old pile of snow but it will leave it's pile of sand or dust when it finally fades away -- and that will blow in your face as you walk by!

I think it was last year they had ice left in Lake Michigan until May or June and in Lake Superior until July! So are we warming or cooling as a planet? {CAUTION - One Man's Opinion Ahead}
AGW: It's probably not anthropogenic (man made) Global Warming rather it's the Sun that controls our climate. And notice how it's the big polluters that are controlling the Climate Change agenda (all the oil companies contribute heavily for example).

I grew up at the 42nd parallel and am now basking (if not swealtering) at the 25th degree latitude. I see Oslo is at 57+ and Tromso is indeed above the Arctic Circle at almost 70 degrees.

So you SAIL in those DEEP FJORDS and meet up "with small whales?" Well, that explains why you've become a whale on Steemit!

(...) drip irrigation system. Excellent but they don't last long, they always break -- very high maintenance.

We have something like that at home also, left behind by the previous owner of the house. Rubber hoses with lots of small holes in it. I believe half the length is still working, then it's passing some tree roots, I believe the tree root has grown and shut the other half of it.

Smell of earth - yes, I can relate a bit to that ... but it doesn't get quite the same while living in a city like Oslo, there is too much air pollution ... not to forget the dust, here in Oslo the early spring is often dry and sunny, nice when being at the sea, but in the city it's all too dusty. Well, St.Petersburg can for sure be quite much worse.

Re climate change, one year of extraordinary cold weather is not proving anything in either direction - and this winter has been hotter than ever above 70 degrees north.

Oslo and St.Petersburg (city of my wife) is almost 60 degrees north, and Tromsø is almost 70 degrees north. Also, the distance between Oslo and St.Petersburg is roughly the same as the distance Oslo-Tromsø which is also roughly the same as the distance Tromsø-St.Petersburg. When we were younger we frequently drove those distances, Tromsø-St.Petersburg is by far the fastest, though the border crossing to Russia could take quite unpredictable time.

Oh yes, I understand the point of view and I held it myself for many years. But here's a major factor to consider. Any theory, to be scientific, must be able to be dis-proven as well. If you cannot dis-prove a theory, you are dealing with Junk Science. Search James Corbett Report on AGW. Everything must be questioned today and re-considered afresh. And many real breakthroughs will emerge.

Consider that all Western Civilization has been hijacked by Elite Gatekeepers. All the history you will get in school, written over the last 80 - 100 years is likely contaminated by a "Special Agenda" of dividing and enslaving mankind. This new age and new millennium will undo it all. ¡viva la evolución!

Well, you know what Churchill said: history is written by the victors. ;)

Yes but that really is cynicism, isn't it? Something like "Might makes Right."

However I'm ever more convinced that there is an underlying moral superiority linked to real victory, as in the Hindu view "Yato dharma tato vijaya" "Where there is righteousness (right action) there is victory."

Tomorrow's history is Today's news. Can you find even a shred of truth in the public media today?

Tobixen u are on point once again👍

nice to see spring coming. :)
the black pipe is the water system. when a work in the park department. we used something that looks like it. to delay the watering over long time.

It has been an unusual long winter also here at Barcelona. From this weekend we have inaugurated the beach season just now. We usually go to the beach on Easter 😜.
Nice pics! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Thanks for showing us around the area. I think that tube sticking up from the ground is part of a watering system.

What an amazing place Oslo is! The University area is quite so beautiful. The campus looks quiet and cool. Photography are marvelous! Thanks for sharing the amazing place with us.

Outstanding .....Fresh photos.what a regulation! excellent photography.happy spring.......@tobixen

Oslo is a very great place and
nice to see spring coming

Beautiful shots my friend👍
Hey I was locked outta my account @geneeverett I lost my password and am forced to start over. Def keep it touch friend👍 I did a few posts on video proving it’s me. It really sucks it’s like totally starting over but it is what it is....


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