in #originalworks6 years ago (edited)


Source: WhitePaper, Page 1 snap shot

Use Case: My Sad Experiences About Loss of Account Information

About 3 months ago, I helped a friend open a steemit account - @Edichris, sadly, he lost the login details after the account was verified due to the breakdown of his system. All efforts to regain the username and password were abortive for about 2 months after, when we stumbled a piece of paper where the password was written and misplaced. By this time, the flare and enthusiasm he had for steemit had been killed. Similar issues are also recorded for my friend - @udysoft and brother - @annydominic. In their cases, they actually saved the password but on a text app that either modified the cases, joined letters or introduced irrelevant characters into the password. Till now, both account login information remains lost. The issues above captured has given me so much worries about the future of crypto wallets as one might lose a lot of fortune and life savings in cases of fire outbreak, e-mail hack, system crash or theft. While I have been looking out for possible ways to solve this problem, I was glad that I stumbled - Goldilock story as posted by @Originalworks:

With Goldilock, the security of offline data has been combined with the convenience of online accessibility. Goldilock is online when you need it, offline when you don’t, and available anytime from anywhere.
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Hope Restored With Goldilock

Goldilock is a digital asset security ecosystem which is revolutionizing the way data is stored by securing cryptocurrencies and digital assets off the internet until a user seeks to use their data for a purpose.


Source: WhitePaper, Page 2 snap shot

Goldilock's encrypted nodes remain vaulted offline, physically disconnected from the internet until a user brings their personal device online remotely via a non-IP (not over the internet) command, after which time they can access it using the same bank-level security mechanisms they would with other sensitive data. Once the user is finished using their node to complete transactions, allocate asset rights, or transfer specified data, the node then reverts to an isolated physical air gap environment, invisible and inaccessible from the internet - @Originalworks

According to the information contained in the Goldilock whitepaper, Goldilock was launched in Q2 of 2018 with the major goal of providing a remote physical disconnection of data from the internet with a security suite that leverages multi-factor authentication, biometrics, regressive technology triggers, and cryptography. This, is believed will transfer the stress and troubles of securing wallets from the user/owner to a physically-segregated platform. Simply put, Goldilock is an airgap security solution for storage of sensitive digital assets and custody of cryptocurrency key.

Justification of The Goldilock Project


Source: WhitePaper, Page 5

Specifically, the core justifications of creating Goldilock are as follows:

  1. Users need access to their personal data quickly, but only occasionally and for short periods of time. otherwise, online data is more useful to hackers than rightful owners
  2. Personal data (including private keys) must be isolated, secured from physical contact and related human error, and fully backed-up.
  3. Personal data and private keys must be quickly accessible when needed.

Component of the Goldilock Security Suite


Source: WhitePaper, Page 2 snap shot

The Goldilock Wallet: – This wallet is for cryptocurrency investors

Colocations:Goldilock promises to act as a physical vault for platforms dedicated to Goldilock.

Integration and transactions enabled through the Goldilock API: With this wallet, individuals or institutions can store sensitive data and information such as cryptowallet keys and digital assets.

Why You have to Choose Goldilock


Source: WhitePaper, Page 10

  1. Well Secured Data off the prying eyes of internet and mail hackers
  2. There is convenience in the accessibility of the stored data by user at particular as needed by the user. This implies that the user’s data is found online only when the user needs, else, such data cannot be accessed.
  3. The security as adopted by Goldilock is user-controlled.
  4. As a Cryptocurrency Exchange, Goldilock will become an irrefutable option both for exchanges.
  5. Goldilock will serve as an Online/Hot Wallet Operator which allows hot wallet operators and custodial service providers to take advantage of the remotely-automated airgap security.
  6. Goldilock will serve as a hardware/Cold wallet operator which will enhance existing technologies.

For more information on Goldilock, check out the following:

Goldilock Whitepaper
Goldilock website
Goldilock Telegram
Goldilock Facebook
Goldilock Discord Channel
Goldilock Github
Goldilock linkedin
Goldilock Twitter
Goldilock Reddit
Goldilock Tokenomics


Source: WhitePaper, Page 3 snap shot

Disclaimer: This post is my entry to a contest sponsored bu @Originallworks on GOLDILOCK. It is not any sort of investment advice.

goldilocktwitter link:



This post has been submitted for the @OriginalWorks Sponsored Writing Contest!
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