Himalayan Yaks!!!


It was an AWESOME trip with the dearest friends 5 years back.
Got to know a lot about the technologically untouched civilizations of upper Himalayas. One among them were Yaks. I was amazed to find out that how the people are totally dependent on their YAKS. Milk, meat, milk products, clothing, shelter, transport, You name it , YAKS provide it. The respect for this animal in the community is very high. Yaks are treated as the messenger from the gods who came to protect human from ice.

With such a great influence of YAKS in upper Himalayan region we can see a bonding between two dominant species.

And these trips, man, ALWAYS fun to experience something out of the box, I mean, something very special, which some how gives us the lessons to survive in the smart world today. Strange.

I travel to EXPLORE.

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