Qiibee The Solution To Loyalty Program

in #originalworks6 years ago


Over the years many people have register for one loyalty program or the other and have problem when they move form that location or city to another which have
no company or store which provides that same loyalty program, so all the time and effort used in registration and continuous use or patronizing a particular company product (being loyal) go to waste.
What is loyalty, what is Qiibee and how does qiibee help to improve and change the game for customers who are loyal and companies.

Definition of terms

  1. Loyalty : Faithfulness or devotion to some person, something, cause or nation.
  2. ‎Program : A set of structured activities.
  3. ‎Customer : A patron; one who purchases or receives a product or service from a business or merchant,
  4. ‎Qiibee : qiibee is a loyalty program built on the blockchain.
  5. ‎Loyalty Card : A plastic card used in a company's loyalty program, which rewards customers who make regular purchases.

#Qiibee The Solution To Customers Loyalty Program

What is customer's loyalty?

Loyalty is define as faithfulness or devotion to some person, something cause or nation. Customer's loyalty is the devotion of a customer to a particular company, product or service. This loyalty from the customer may be influenced by many things eg, low price, rewards (weekly, monthly, yearly rewards), gifts, etc. What ever it may be, the customer is loyal because he wants or will get something in return, that's why many people can drive distance to get something they could easily get close by. Most times this customers are given loyalty cards and when the cards are fill to a number of purchase, they get rewards for it.
synonyms of loyalty : Courtesy, fidelity.

What Qiibee is about.

Qiibee is a loyalty ( courtesy, fidelity) program built on the blockchain. Qiibee has the intention or objective to bring together the randomly distributed loyalty programs, this is the reason they have brought an opportunity for companies to pressent loyalty programs through blockchain technology to customers, so as customers no mater where the are can get and use their loyalty reward, this will also help customers not going a long distance to get something they could easily get close by, because the will now have the opportunity to use their loyalty reward anywhere.

How Can This Be

Qiibee has already partnered with more than 890+ major brands already and its still counting, and has a very good reputation, good management team and market experience to bring this project to to pass.
qiibee is building a market place using blockchain, a place where loyalty points can be exchange by customers.


How The Loyalty Program Is Run Here In Nigeria 🇳🇬 By Some Companies, Taking Gas Station As A Case Study.

Some time ago before traveling from my birth state (Edo State), I normally purchase gas from a particular gas station because they issue you a customer card at the beginning of the year and anytime you purchase gas from them, the amount and date is being written on the customer card and signed, this continues till the end of the year and they give you your rewards, depending on your purchase amount and the number of points allocated to you, but when you travel or leave that state, say to Port Harcourt (just as I have), even if the gas station has a branch there and you show them tour gift card (customers card) to continue, they don't allow, you will have to start again on a fresh customers card with the other branch, that leaves all the effort and resources and time put in to getting that reward wasted and for nothing at the end, which is very bad. Not just that you can't transfer the loyalty points from one company or product to another, even for the same company in different location its impossible to do, this has left customers with no regards for loyalty to a brand or company, because the most times end up heart broken from all effort put into it and at the end getting nothing if the leave to a different location, now I'm not talking of the unintachangeability of the customer loyalty card or as some may call it "customers gift card".

The Solution Is Qiibee

With qiibee, just as the illustration above, when I get a gift card or loyalty card from a particular gas station, even when I travel to yet another state, I can still use it there in the other state, not just in the same company's branch, but in any store that is integrated with qiibee, not just that I can exchange those points for the ones that I now use.

Illustration 2

The Qiibee Way

Using same illustration above, leaving my birth state (Edo State) which I register in a gas station and they give me a reward card or loyalty card or customer card as the case may be, I then I leave that state to another state (Port Harcourt), and before leaving my birth state Edo State, I have already earn some points on my card, I can still continue in the new state and get my reward at the end, or I can decide to trade my points to another customer, who wants it and get my reward, this time I don't loss my reward and my effort is not a waste. this means I can keep collecting points, knowing that they will continue to be useful even if I don't go back to my former state of resident or gas station again.

With all this customers stress free and can inter change loyalty, and this will save a lot of people like me from the pain of gathering so much points and then leaving it behind when I have a cause to travel, and having a restriction on where and which product I want to use my points for.

qiibee the solution to all loyalty program problems.




Another great piece of work @ogt.

did you consider justifying text ? it would make your posts easier to read

obviously upvoted


Thanks for the upvote and the advice @coach.piotr, i will learn to justify text now and my next post i will apply it. Thanks again and feel free to chech if i do the justification of text correctly on my next lost. Cheer 📣 📣 📣 @ogt

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