KLEROS: Blockchain dispute resolution procedure.

in #originalworks6 years ago (edited)

The current situation, we are witnessing a great amount of changes in the globalization and digitalization process. Each day is more big the number of people who carry out transactions online, and this is increasing worldwide.

Many websites can offer contracts for solutions, but the truth is that many of these are composed by juries that are not acts to execute arbitration processes.

Guarantee your contracts, we present you to:


Kleros; It offers a dispute adjudication protocol based on collective intelligence and the blockchain. this method will give the effective solution, to conflicts of disagreements of unfulfilled contracts.

If you are in the process of new projects where you have to make agreements with other parties, and contact Kleros; they will take care of their contracts and possible problems of non-compliance, will have an effective solution to a problem of future disagreements. Kleros he will act under arbitration measures that are based on measures, honest and fair.
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Mode of use:

  • For the Contract

System users will create an intelligent contract and select Kleros as their awarding protocol.

The contract will be established in which the sub-court will be in charge of the arbitration.

  • Dispute

Important information is sent securely to Kleros, if one of the parties believes there was a breach of contract.

  • Selection of the jury

The candidates are nominated in a sub-court and each sub-court has multiple simultaneous cases and a match mechanism will give rise to the candidates in specific cases. The members of the jury will evaluate the evidence and cast their vote.

  • Application

The juries will receive the information, analyze it and have to make a decision, then the decision is applied through the intelligent contract.

Kleros, help reduce the costs associated with resolving disputes.

Kleros; resolves disputes quickly and safely because the system is guaranteed by intelligent contracts, so the verdict will result in an instant refund, in case of default of one of the parties.

Kleros, offers lower costs than those that can be obtained in the midst of court processes or low-quality websites, guaranteeing results and making these processes accessible to users.

Kleros, benefits for small businesses.

We can often meet with people and small businesses that make agreements and are harmed by their failure to comply. Most of these people or companies fail to resolve these situations since the transaction value is too small to incur the additional costs associated with taking the case to court, existing arbitration methods are excessively slow, expensive and unreliable.

Kleros guarantees an intelligent contract granted by the juries, and in case it finds defects and is proven, its investments will be reimbursed. These small businesses no longer have to spend their profits or lose the investment trying to solve their cases through the courts

There are also kleros benefits for large companies in the cloud.

Although we know that large companies tend to have a greater economic activity than small ones, in their great demand for products or services there may be failures of non-compliance, either due to payment arrears or perhaps not complying with the established policies, these companies they can request the juridical support of Kleros, avoiding numerous disputes in courts since, kleros, it will provide fast and effective solution for better operation.

Kleros, help reduce the costs associated with resolving disputes.

if you use kleros, you can forget about the additional costs involved in solving some problems that can happen in the midst of infractions.

this will be easy; Just make your contract online and in case of problems, Kleros will do justice based on the decision of a jury that will give the solution to the dispute, without having overcharges, which may not get in other legitimate means.

Kleros guarantees equity through its incentive system.

Each of the sub courts has an honorary value, depending on the complexity of the disputes and the lack of juries with the appropriate skills to solve them.

There will be more outstanding juries than others thanks to the coherence of their votes.

The juries will give a solution to the disputes and will have their arbitration fees. Although the costs of kleros contracts are low, juries will have a good reward for the motivation to follow a good job based on honesty. But if a jury gives an unsustainable verdict, it may lose some chips that pass to the juries that voted on a fair basis.

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Use cases.

Marian needs a programmer for a new project on a social media page, she gets Freder on a website asking for a job, with specific instructions, the total payment for the work will be canceled at the end, the time was one week, and the result had to meet the demands of marian.
Marian and freder set their contract in Kleros, then marian and freder selected the details of their integration with [Kleros](https: / /kleros.io/).

  • Number of juries
  • Contract category (subcourt)
  • Results

Freder begins the work but problems arise from other unfinished work, the deadline arrives and the work is not done, freder asks for a couple of days more for the lost effort.

Marian in her displeasure sends the proofs of the bad execution of the service of freder to Kleros.
This was evaluated by the panel of qualified jurors. they put two thoughts-

  • 1; Freder leaves the job and loses his effort and future earnings for failure.
  • 2; Mirian gives a chance to freder to finish the job.

All the juries are in agreement with the reason (2) because freder was committed to a date, he had to comply, this makes him irresponsible.

Mirian sought a solution to finish his work with another programmer and did not waste time or money in court thanks to the rapid effectiveness of Keros.

Pinakion Token (PNK)

PNK will provide the jurors with an incentive to vote honestly, after they have made their decision, the Pinakions are thawed and redistributed among the jurors. Users who try to play with the system will lose money and their reputations.


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Informative video

Information and resources.

Sitio web de Kleros
Kleros WhitePaper
Kleros Medium
Kleros YouTube
Kleros Telegram
Kleros Twitter
Kleros Github
Foros de Kleros

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The resources of images and videos belong to Kleros.
Contest by @OriginalWorks

Kleros 2018


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