Why I Plan To Implement A Gladius Node

in #originalworks7 years ago

The flagship coin is flawed just like the Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 were flawed. A network that was made for transactions and basic authentication became clumsy as it grew and more features were desired. As always with designs, things can be tacked on for a while but then there comes a time when you have to go back to the drawing board. The internet is at such a crossroads.

Web 3.0 is, if we were to provide appropriate contrast to the boxy and predictable "apps" of older paradigms, would be better described as Web 3000 DARKNET RISING: THE BEAST UNLEASHED Part VII. It goes as deep as you can encrypt and both cpu and human brain power are currency. Centralization is quaint and old fashioned. Mass connectivity, 24/7 availability and your vacuum cleaner has become tiny yet must have an email address and contact corporate headquarters on a daily basis.

With mass connectivity and 24/7 availability came the botnet and the concept of a centralized bastion solution, that all web resources must hide behind a massive multi-tiered wall with DMZ's, VPN's and ACL's. They should also be spread out in a Content Delivery Networks(CDN) so if there is any network weather in one part of the world the service will route requests for your content to the other side of the world where they have another copy. (If I am allowed to brag a little, I was the MSP admin who pushed the original Hunger Games homepage to Rackspace's CDN)

Since every device on the internet could at any moment be redirected to ask you what time it is, you had to be crafty in how you responded because the numbers are so massive. There is no small time operation that can withstand them and numerous large players on the internet have been burned for days at a time. Ransoms have been paid. The good guys have been losing, the trolls have been winning. The internet still works because they let it and a lot of us don't like it that way.

As a former NOC Admin, I have personally responded at 11am on a Sunday to Bill Oreilly's idiotic website being attacked with 2 Terabits of erroneous traffic and watched over the shoulder as the Network Engineer on duty determined which routes were carrying the most hits, routed the rest of our traffic off of those and then shut them down. That router is the size of a washing machine, most people don't have any idea they exist but they do the heavy lifting of what we call the internet.

Today's Russian mischief shows just how far the threats against the routing layer of the internet have evolved. A foreign country beat the USA at its own game and captured all of its traffic so that they can analyze all of it at their leisure for the next ten years, slowly using autistic teenagers and quantum computing to figure out how to intercept every 'telemetry' packet Taylor Swift's Windows 10 installation sends back to whichever stooge is ruining Microsoft this year. The NSA has been doing this forever and probably doesn't have the manpower to even analyze it because they won't hire people who smoke weed and/or realize the futility of America's global war on whatever they can get away with.

The end result of this milieu is going to be a long future of virus-storms the likes of which you have never seen. The vulnerabilities are going to be weaponized and potentially coordinated with all manner of chaotic elements to destabilize the United States or anyone else Vladimir Putin, the Israeli Mossad and/or Baron Von Buckwitz of the acme global banking cartel mafia finds inconvenient.

Distributed Denial of Service(DDOS) attacks are not going to stop, quite the contrary. They are going to make web 1.0 and 2.0 unstable and frequently unusable. There is no way any centralized asset in the universe is going to be able to withstand all of the malicious and outright espionage that is going to be thrown at every beautiful and/or productive thing we humans try to share with the world.

Enter (a host of technologies, one of which is) Gladius.

I remember back when you could let your processors' spare cycles sell you advertisements on your own screen, fold proteins or search for alien signals in the universe. The idea is still out there. I have worked for a company that may still be considering a java or javascript application that helps you help them scan the internet so that the relevant offices at the likes of Fiat Bank and the Pentagon can get offensive intelligence on fraudulent activity that targets them, through your home internet connection(!)

And who couldn't resist this offer? The line starts here people! The processing cycles are negligible, but forget watching Netflix. They rejected my suggestion to give people a way to schedule when the 400kb/s of Zuckerberg's cube farm army surfs all their enemies for intel over their home connection. It had to be on full blast all day long or no deal.

At any rate, a bunch of stuff happened. Then one day not long ago you could 'Mine' 'Currency' with your GPU cycles and a collective, awakening, murmur bubbled across the internet. Satoshi spoke and there was a blockchain algorithm. The internet said it was good.

But then the internet wanted to do more things with blockchains than just calculate blockchains and maybe insert pictures of ourselves with our dog into it sometimes too. It has become clear to everyone involved that the technology can do so much more.

What if you could put this, let's say "matrix", of technology and human interests together to decentralize content as intended by the actual design of the internet, mitigate DDOS attacks from the hideous swarm of never-to-be-secured devices, and mine currency(read: make money) while playing tennis or maybe Dota 2?

And what if the currency you were mining was backed by the actual service that comprised the algorithms of your mining?

The obvious synergy of this idea should be hitting you. You should be wondering why anyone in the future should have to work at all. Everyone will just have a rack of miniature Antminers in a cabinet somewhere routing content and performing network logic to compensate for an Earthquake in Borneo, rolling in bank while we meditated half-drunk on decent vodka, floating mid-air in our personal indoor skydiving facilities.

It's fun to be fanciful but it is difficult to imagine how systems with so many moving parts will ultimately play out. The entire idea of cryptocurrency is, of course, limited by the fact that someone has to actually be a farmer or the comically vindictive manager of the poor robots at Appleby's(or actually know how to code). If everybody only mined currency, even if it saves Bill Oreilly's utterly stupid website some headaches, we would all still starve because not even the most synergetic of ICO's is even close to edibility.

Short of such a calamity or breakthrough, and neither can quite be ruled out, Gladius looks like the future.

Best wishes with the project. Whatever happens, keep it up with the synergy, the world needs it.




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