The @humanbot Human Certified Original Work Initiative

in #originalworks7 years ago

Your avatar here!

This post is aimed at the experienced curators out there who feel confident they can detect plagiarized work and do check posts for plagiarism if something feels fishy. You may have noticed that @humanbot just began certifying some posts as "Human Certified Original Work", leaving the below badge and specifying that @carlgnash manually determined the post to be original.

Example @carlgnash / @humanbot comment:

@carlgnash from the @humanbot Human Certified Original Works Initiative has manually determined this post to be the original work of the post author. To learn more about this certification visit the Badge of Originality genesis post:

Thanks for being an original content creator! You rock!

Don't @cheetah and @originalworks have this covered?

Nothing against @cheetah and @originalworks here, but they are just bots. I say that as a humanbot, with love in my heart. @cheetah and @originalworks can and do make mistakes. A human is able to take into account so many more factors when determining if a post is plagiarized than a simple algorithm. Observe:

In this case, @cheetah got it correct and @originalworks did not. The user was changing enough words around in the articles that @originalworks did not detect the plagiarism. Just using this as an illustration that the bots are not infallible. @cheetah is harder to check because it does not post anything if it thinks a post is original content - but I find plagiarized posts all the time that @cheetah did not catch. And I find plagiarized posts all the time that Original Works certified as original... many times called by the post author, as in the example above!

@humanbot wants YOU for the Steemit Original Content Army!

Original @carlgnash art combined with public domain Uncle Sam art

If you like the idea of leaving a Badge of Originality when you have determined that a post is original content, @carlgnash would be happy to make you a customized Badge of Originality with your avatar (or any other image of your choosing) in the center, as well as any custom color scheme (choose a color for badge itself, or a color gradient, or rainbow, etc., choose a color for the text - if you don't specify it will just stay as is with gray badge and black text). Just leave a comment here stating your interest in taking part in the @humanbot Human Certified Original Works initiative and letting me know what avatar/picture to use (paste it into the comment) as well as any special requests RE color scheme. Check out the Badge of Originality genesis post for a step-by-step tutorial on how this badge was created.

I (@carlgnash) will be reviewing the blog and recent activity (especially comments and voting patterns) of anyone who expresses an interest. I am looking for experienced curators who have demonstrated an ability to discern what is original content. In some cases it will be very obvious to me and I will reply immediately in the comments to let you know that I am working on your badge. In some cases I might have some follow up questions for you and might ask you to DM me on or Discord. In some cases I might respectfully decline - I will always be happy to discuss my reasoning with you in DMs on or Discord in this case.

In general if you are lower REP than 42 I would say come back when you are a little better established, I don't want these badges to be thrown around like candy and I don't want people to associate the badge with low REP users. No offense. I am looking for seasoned curators who can smell plagiarism from a mile off. There are a lot of sneaky plagiarists out there and it takes some time to get to know all the ways they try to trick ya.

Well I hope to see some responses here!

Much love - @carlgnash / @humanbot


Can I have one integrated with this?


Yes definitely :) Awesome! Glad you are in! Won't take me long :) I think it would work well with basically the whole torso including both arms coming out of the badge, I can move the text around a bit to be on either side - unless you just want the head and neck?

Whichever is easier for you. I like the full body with logo. But I don't want you waste too much time though.

Et voila :)

larger size 500 px
Badge of Originality GEEK GIRL.jpg

smaller size 250 px
Badge of Originality GEEK GIRL small.jpg

and in gray:
larger size 500 px
Badge of Originality GEEK GIRL gray.jpg

smaller size 250 px
Badge of Originality GEEK GIRL gray small.jpg

awesome thank you!

This sounds like a great inititiative and I would love to have my own badge so I can be a part of the curation/ original content brigade.


Feel free to use this picture, taken today and use the general grey badge with black letters.



I love this picture brother :) Happy to have you on board!

Badge of Originality VINCENT.jpg

Badge of Originality VINCENT small.jpg

Hey do you have a account? I was going to add you to the private #humanbot channel there but couldn't find you. Cheers - Carl

Cheers mate! I like it a lot myself. I guess the face shows what Steemit and cryptos have done with me the last 6 months or so. Plus, my glasses look bigger than they are on this selfie.

I tried to get started with several times but I don't seem to be able to log in. Am trying to reset my password, but I don't receive any email. Sometimes I feel like a (technical) noob on here.

Ah yeah I wouldn't be much help logging in to, I didn't encounter anything funky when I navigated that process.

I finally made it to
Feel free to try to add me again ;>)

@misterakpan :)

Larger size 500px
Badge of Originality AKPAN.jpg

Smaller size 250 px
Badge of Originality AKPAN small.jpg

OMG YES!!! Yes, you can. I will try to get it done tonight :)

thank yhu

didn't get it done tonight - but soon brother

thanks bro

If you want a different color instead of gray just let me know - changing color of badge takes seconds.

500 px:
Badge of Originality Ewuoso.jpg

250 px:
Badge of Originality Ewuoso small.jpg

I want yellow blue or red

Cool I made a blue and yellow one, then thinking about a yellow one got me inspired to make a yellow metal one. I really like the way the yellow metal one turned out, I am going to have to make myself one like that now :)

Blue and Yellow 500 px:
Badge of Originality Ewuoso Blue Yellow.jpg

Blue and Yellow 250 px:
Badge of Originality Ewuoso Blue Yellow Small.jpg

Yellow Metal 500px:
Badge of Originality Ewuoso yellow metal.jpg

Yellow Metal 250px:
Badge of Originality Ewuoso yellow metal small.jpg

Heck yes! sign me up.

Since my avatar is from a game...I guess it wouldn't be appropriate to use that in the badge. So just the badge will do.
Great initiative!

Hey @doctorcrypto I will draw you an original avatar based on your existing one so that it is kosher to use. It will only take me a few minutes. I will get working on your badge tonight :) Cheers - Carl

"Kosher to use." That split my hoofs and left me laughing so hard :-D

Fantastic! Thank you :)

I should finish yours up tonight @doctorcrypto! Here is the finished drawing, still need to color it :)

Here ya go :)
500 pixel
Badge of Originality DOCTORCRYPTO.jpg

250 pixel
Badge of Originality DOCTORCRYPTO small.jpg

And here is the colored drawing by itself if you want to use it for profile pic:
doctorcrypto square.jpg

Original art by moi

Those look great! Thank you!

Nice! Will love to get one! : )

Choose this one!

Let's Help Human Bot!

Cool will try to get this done tonight!

@umais I have had second thoughts. Your submissions to the Curator Incubator have demonstrated to me that you still need to work on your plagiarization detection skills. Please don't be offended but I am going to have to respectfully decline to make you a badge at this time. I will be happy to continue to give you feedback and help you develop this skill. Sorry - Carl

aha having now actually read this, I am interested in the project. I tend to notice plagiarism, sometimes sooner than cheetah. My question is on how you are treating photos/charts that may or may not be plagiarized. I am not as familiar with fair use laws as to regards to this.

typically if a source is provided it is assumed to be okay / fair use as far as photos / charts, unless the image is obviously copyright protected e.g. watermark - or are you asking about in the case of of no source provided and author is claiming photos / charts as their own? Before awarding a badge I would reverse image search a prominent post image. You want rabbit badge? And if so do you have rabbit avatar image with ear tips not cut off?

more of no source provided, when the photo/chart whatever looks to be of a certain quality not usually found in "free CC".. haha... sure rabbit badge. not sure if I have a better pic, lemme dig.

I can "fake it" in PhotoShop and add ear tips and nose tip if not... I love your rabbit avatar, rabbit badge is going to be awesome

okay I photoshopped in the tips of the ears but the nose was too much to fake, so nose is just tucked down into the hole in the center of the badge :) Let me know if you would rather have a gray badge or any other color instead of the metallic one here - changing badge color is super fast. Cheers - Carl

500 px:
Badge of Originality TORICO.jpg

Badge of Originality TORICO small.jpg

hahaha i nearly spit my soup laughing when i saw this! i like the bronze but can i see it in green and/or black with green writing for comparison?

sure - any particular kind of green?

nothing light or neon. i know if you go too dark the contrast isnt good. i like forest or jewel colored, but i trust your judgment of that looks good.


Here ya go :) Good suggestions, I think I like both of these variants. On the "black" with green lettering I actually just went with a dark gray because solid black kind of obscured the 3d effect of the badge and it looked less like puppydograbbit was coming out of the badge:
Badge of Originality TORICO green embossed.jpg

Badge of Originality TORICO green embossed small.jpg

Badge of Originality TORICO green lettering.jpg

Badge of Originality TORICO green lettering small.jpg

Having looked at these a second time I really like the dark grey with green letters. Hope you like 'em :)

Make one for me, if my contests qualify to be original to you.

@sanmi I think you misunderstood, these are badges that you would award out if you determined a post by another author was original content (not plagiarized).

LOL thanks @torico but I believe you meant these for the Curator Incubator and Link Drop :) No worries at all. I will check them when I get back from the store :) Cheers - Carl

ah ok maybe im confused I thought you made a fresh post for curator... my bad I need to read more. sorries..

Unfortunately, I seem to be a bit clueless when it comes to plagiarism. Of course, I tend to curate the same people so I may not see much of it, if any. I don't cruise the new posts much, I generally just curate the people that I follow. I probably wouldn't be a very good fit for this.

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