Goldilock [A unique cyber security solution for the new era]

in #originalworks6 years ago (edited)

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In this article I shall discuss Goldilock , a unique cyber security solution for the new era.

Table of content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 What is Goldiblock
2.0 How Goldilock will change the way we handle sensitive information.
2.1 Beniifits of combining the best of cold and hot storage.
3.0 Improved security and access leading to mass adoption of cyrpto currencies.
3.1 security benefit of of keeping data offline using " airgap" technology
4.0 Why NEO
5.0 How banks, insurance companies and others can benefit from Goldilock integration
5.1 Crypto Use case
5.2 None crypto use case.

1.0 Introduction

In a perfect world hackers wouldn't exist. But in this world, they are becoming more advanced and finding new ways to grab hold of your precious data and digital property. The problem is, once your data is connected to the internet it can be hacked and most data is connected to the web 247/365. Currently, digital assets can be stored offline using cold storage devices like hardware wallets ( example: Trezor, and Legder Nano) but to use these devices isn't easy for the average. Tedious passwords, technicality, theft, misplacement and destruction of the devices makes hardware wallets inconvinient. Hot wallets, which are always online give consumers no control of how they are being protected and when they can access their own assets as it is in the hands of the provider. So wouldn't it be wonderful if there were a solution for data storage and protection offline with the ability to easily connect to the internet only when need be? Surely this would prevent hacks as there would only be a short interval of vulnerability and decryption takes time. The new way of data protection would also have to be easier to use to be widely adopted. Goldilock has created such a solution, it is up to us how fast we begin to use it.

1.1 What is Goldilock

Goldilock is a functioning platform, ecosystem and security suite built with the sole purpose to protect digital assets and data. Goldilock uses the security of offline cold storage with the convenience of easy access ( like hot wallets) to your digital assets remotely. It is the best of both worlds. Goldilock does this by using their soon to be patented technology called airgap which allows individuals and institutions to remotely activate and connect there data and digital assets to the web only when needed. Once transactions are made, it is automatically disconnected from the internet.

See it as a gap of air between your assets and the internet but with the press of a button on a device using your finger print , multi-factor authentication or other methods to verify. Once verified, the gap is filled and your assets which are stored remotely in a vault and offline now have limited online accessibility for the transaction at hand. Goldilock takes the hassle of keeping wallets secure away from the individual and on to its platform making it more convenient.
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Goldilock can be used for decentralized blockchain based assets on many levels and it can also be used to protect more familiar data types such as medical data, credit card information, bank info, voting etc.

The Goldilock Security Suite includes:

  • The Goldilock Wallet - For cryptocurrency investors
  • Integrations via the Goldilock API - For institutions who
    need to leverage remotely-operated airgap technology to
    store sensitive information, including private crypto keys
    and critical digital assets
  • Colocations - Physical vaults in Data Centers dedicated to
    Goldilock, for lease by institutions who need direct control
    over their servers
  • On-Premises Deployment Option - Physical Devices that
    enable remotely-operated airgap security for institutional or
    personal home use.

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2.0 How Goldilock will change the way we handle sensitive information

Goldilock will change the way we handle sensitive information by taking it offline when it is not in use. The current trend is to keep data online all the time which leaves it vulnerable. Hardware wallets took it a step further and took digital assets offline but at the same time made it difficult to quickly access the said digital assets when needed. Goldilock realized the need to have this information offline but at the same time grant easy fast accesses when needed. They have isolated the private keys from physical contact, keeping them safe but at the same time giving individuals remote access using a non-IP mechanism which is impossible to hack. The users login securliy through a dedicated URL that is highly encrypted.

2.1 Benefits of combining the best of cold and hot storage

  • Assets remain offline when not in use which is the best solution taken from hardware wallets.
  • Assets can be instantly accessed compared to hardware wallets and in crypto, speed is of the essence
  • Like hardware wallets individuals have a dedicated device but if lost its ok as the private keys are not on them, it just grants access to the vault/cold storage which is not on the person but at a remote location
  • Biometric gateways makes access easy and this is a key feature of newer hardware wallets.
  • Codes can be generated personally unlike long list of word codes given by hardware-wallet providers
  • It uses 2 factor authentication which is popular with hot wallets and most are familiar with.
  • Data is backed up on devices as well as in "vaults"
  • Secured physical vaults is a true hardware-wallet without the responsibility of carrying around a tiny device that could be worth millions.
  • It carries insurance via third parties like some hot storage exchanges do.
  • Live reporting of your transactions can be accessed just like hot wallet crypto exchanges offer, but nothing is left permanently online
    Individuals as well as institutions have a real solution for their digital assets needs that combines the best of cold as well as hot storage, but makes it simpler to use.

3.0 Improved security and access leading to mass adoption of crypto currencies

Lets face it, which highly established institution is going to store their digital assets on a ledger nano much less on an exchange? None! With solotions Goldilock is offering it will make BIG money investors feel more secure and comfortable to enter the space as they will feel fully protected by not holding their private keys but having it in a secured vault that is insured and they have instant access to remotely. It is what they are used to with the current banking system and these solutions will attract investors into the space. Individuals will see this adoption and say "Hay, if these investors are now flocking the space, it is time I do too". The remote storage and ease of access and use is the comfort zone the masses need to adopt cryptos.

3.1 security benefits of of keeping data offline using " airgap" technology

Keeping data offline is the key as all attacks take place online. Airgap gives users the perfect middle ground of keeping information offline but granting instant accesses. It protects individuals and institutions by:

  • By preventing breaches
  • Protecting files from corruption
  • Protecting data from vandals
  • Preventing situations where data can be held ransom
  • Being inline with regulatory trends ( more for institutions)
  • prevents loss of time and money due to hacks, errors and unforseen circumstances.

4.0 Why NEO?

The main reason Goldilock chose NEO is because of its stance on working with regulators which Goldilock also strives to do. Goldilock is positioning themselves to ride the regulation and security protocol wave by creating a trend setting solution to an everyday problem. NEO is the first platfrom that offers features focused on enabling a regulated smart economy, they are not trying to be rogue heroes but a true solution that complies. Neo is a different type of blockchain that offers faster transactions, it is regulation centred and it also has a cutting egde concensus mechanism that makes decisions happen faster and involves more people so best solutions are reached quickly. This improvement of proof of stake (Bitcoins consensus) is called“Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance”. NEO also has a good reputation in the space for being secure and Goldilock will ad to this. The two projects compliment each other.

5.0 How banks, insurance companies and others can benefit from Goldilock integration

Traditional institutions such as banks , insurance companies, and medical facilities all manage highly sensitive information that is online all the time. Billions of breaches take place yearly. Below is a 2018 estimate of the average cost of a highly established institution being breached. By using Goldilock billions could be saved through prevention by taking valuable information held online, and taking it offline. Goldilock's airgap solution makes perfect sense for these institutions.

Below are the amount of breaches by industry in the first half of 2017 alone. Where does all the money for all these breaches come from? Who ends up paying for it in the long run? Your guess is as good as mine.

5.1 Crypto exchange Use case

The BZG crypto exchange has hot wallets to store its clients' private keys . A staff member realises that exchanges are getting hacked more frequently, she does some research and finds out about Goldilock and quickly implements the system to store all private keys offline in cold storage at a remote location that Goldilock operates and manages. The clients as well as the exchange's digital assets are no longer vulnerable on the internet but only when transactions need to be made. Each client can access their assets remotely and it is all insured. The exchange's CEO can sleep better now, the customers as well.

5.2 Medical company use case

The BM Medical Centre has millions of individuals' medical data on its system. A medical facility a few blocks away was breached a few days ago and their data held for ransom at the cost of $5 million. The BM medical company has to be proactive and quickly takes its data offline thanks to Goldilock solutions. All their sensitive client data is now secured in cold storage at a remote location, backed up, encrypted, offline, but at the same time can be accessed and online instantly.

6.0 Final thoughts

Goldilock makes perfect sense, why keep valuable data and digital assets online when it can be hacked? They have created an innovative solution that the world needs to pay attention to. Goldilock has found the sweet spot with their airgap technology and I think we will be hearing about it quite a lot in the coming days. Here is a a quote I'd like to leave you with so you can stay proactive in this vulnerable digital world.

“Hackers Hone their Skills While Consumers Remain Complacent,”

Road Map


Video Summary

Goldilock Website
Goldilock WhitePaper
Goldilock Tokenomics
Goldilock Telegram
Goldilock Discord
Goldilock Linkedin
Goldilock Facebook
Goldilock Twitter
Goldilock Reddit
Goldilock Github

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Nice to have you back. Should put something in, in a bit. Needs editing.

Yeah trust me I know. Didn’t have as much time as I wanted to work on it. But I’m gonna edit before the deadline.

Nice to have you back.
Should put something in, in a
Bit. Needs editing.

                 - solcross

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