introduceyourself -- Zig introduces himself

in #originalmusic7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians!

Let me introduce myself, my name is Keith 'Zig' Stewart, my favorite nickname since about age fifteen is 'Zig'. I must admit that nickname's almost beyond its fourth decade of use now.  Actually Keith Stewart is my musical pseudonym since about the same time. I've recorded over thirty albums of eclectic (hence the pseudonym, 'Keith Stewart' i.e. key-ith stew art) Jazz Rock Electronic and acoustic music since 1981 and avail them to the general public through the record label/digital content provider, One Media® .   From there you can link to over 170 music videos on YouTube at this moment, though is looking mighty appealing right about now...   My first instrument is piano although lately I've been getting more practice on the violin ...  You can further read my musical bio on the One Media® web site. 

I also have produced a growing art collection  of Warped Mandalas one may subjectively say, or more objectively, both circular and orthogonal tessellations, undergoing spatial warping functions and often including fractals, photography, and composite images from NASA.

In 'real-life' one may objectively refer to me as a polymath, as the epithet, 'Renaissance Man' could seem rather pretentious and subjective.  That is to say, I've been trained as an Electrical Engineer, had the fortune of riding the dot com wave in Southern California well enough to accumulate advantage to enable autodidactic knowledge of patent prosecution and attaining other intellectual property rights.  A life changing event happened in 2007 when I most fortuitously became one of those rare individuals (about one in a hundred million or more) who not only accumulated a patent portfolio, but also was able to sell it quite profitably.  With that I've entered a phase where I was able to build this studio from which I presently jam and blog.

However, it's hardly been a stroll through the rose garden.  My renewable energy patent portfolio has resulted in little more than 'a learning experience' and a fairly large sum of sunken cost.  One may say the past ten years of pseudo retirement, working sixteen hour days albeit not within the rat race, may have included a mid-life crisis for a variety of reasons.

My side interests include philosophy and psychology with an existential specialty including human potential focus. My favorite reading has been Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Stuart Mill, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Carl Gustav Jung, Aldous Huxley, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, The Bhagavad Gita, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Joseph Campbell, and Kazimierz Dąbrowski.  I particularly like the topics of Individuation and 'The Hero's Journey'  and may blog on and/or at least comment in relation to those topics.  

I may typify myself as a Intuitive Thinking Judging Introvert, 'INTJ' as Myers-Briggs test results consistently indicate...  Actually on the far end of introversion, with a 'rich inner world' that often outwardly expresses in some bizarre creative forms, I'd say I may very well qualify as an empathetic covert schizoid.  Absolutely no stranger to the full spectrum from daydreaming to dissociative 'split personality' fortunately with little associated amnesia of my other persona, I find 'context switching' between purely analytical and highly creative, rational versus intuitive mind (?) challenging to master.  The 'empathetic covert' part of the schizoid shows through by initial 'love bombing' though I often really do have a strong need to 'recharge' by withdrawing into solitude.   Come to think of it, if you had a choice, would you drink hemlock tea, get yourself nailed to a crucifix, or ride your ox off into the desert?

My politics may be labeled 'AA' -- Anarchist Agnostic ... So, of course, cryptocurrency, just like other distributed, decentralized technologies like renewable energy, has great appeal to me.  I may say I favor Individualism far greater than Collectivism, though am compassionate, would purport 'enlightened self-interest' and ultimately would like to 'push the needle' towards getting today's society's silo style of dominance hierarchy flattened back down to a mound, not even a pointy pyramid (equality of opportunity, but not necessarily equal outcome).  I would say I have atheistic tendencies, although having a life experience of a pragmatist, having 'faith' in a non-limiting belief or two has helped me prevail when pure rationality has backed me into a corner.

I would like to thank my friend, @beatseb for inviting me here.  "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" (Not to be too Bogus ;- )  with all Steemians!  and for one last treet ;-) a music video the production of which @beatseb and I collaborated along with others ... 

Treehaltor Image © 2016 Ameti Sebaedin Photoshopography courtesy @beatseb

welcome to this community ...hopefully you can reach what you want on this community ...

thank you for the warm welcome, @lopezdacruz

Welcome to steemit. @onemedia
i hope your enjoy this community.
following you now. :D

Hi thank you, @thailand-funfun I'm following you now, too...

What's up, welcome to steemit.

Thank you, @authenticbeatz I'm still learning my way around ;-)

Finally Zig. ☺ Welcome to Steemit buddy and great having you on this beautiful platform. I like your introduction and wish you a lot of fun and productivity in a first place, success will arrive soon after it. (; Later buddy.

hey there. Yeah, I'm still figuring out my way around here... ;-)

You'll get it faster then most around here I'm sure...just browse around and read related articles about your concern and you'll be fine in a minute. Steem on buddz. ☺

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