Convergence - my original Original Song - Andy Loughney

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Hey everyone,

Today is the anniversary, well, maybe technically it's not anymore, but anyway, December 11, 2001 was the first day that I started to play the guitar and begin what has been an amazing 15 year journey thus far.  This is the first song I ever wrote played on my very first guitar.  I give a little bit of the backstory in the video, but if you want to skip right to the song, Convergence, it starts at 3:36.  Blast from the past!


Beautiful work as always! I loved the closing solo particularly. I'm curious how you managed the rhythm section during it.

Boy, that guitar has aged well!

Hey thanks! Crazy to put something so old out there. As far as the rhythm, I have a Boomerang Looper Pedal that I threw into action after the last verse. You can see me looking at my feet for a second as I hit the buttons, then the loop is on and I can solo over the top.

So I got distracted but i wanted to at least listen to one more song , I scrolled down and landed on this one. You're not from Rochester are you? That would be a coincidence since that's where my brother lives and plays out at a large variety of bars and coffee shops :) Oh and I scrolled past a video with bee hives, my husband and I kept bees for years :)

Hey, no, not from there, just went to college there. How did your beekeeping ventures work out? Really hoping that they make it through the winter!

We did it for years, had trouble wintering over. My husband bred queens for a bit, trying to make hardy, mite-resistant strains. We ended up moving to Florida for several years and there he also did a bit of beekeeping where he discovered Africanized bees that mixed with gentler bees were excellent honey producers, mite resistant, but still mean as hell haha! Now we just have a couple hives. If we lose them then we catch swarms in the spring.
Our main income is grapevines. We trim and pull them from the vineyards, process them and sell them to nurseries which in turn root them and sell them to vineyards, haha, circle of life.

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