Road Of Life................................... || Original Love Poems.

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On the road of life,
All are alone,
But a few lucky,
Hold hand of someone,

A few get,
That special one,
Who come in the life,
When you are about to be done,

That angel,
Will heal your broken heart,
That special being,
A whole new life it will start,

You walk,
Step by step with the one,
Whole your life,
You both will have fun,

Some moments of joy,
Some moments of sorrow,
You give her smile,
And cheer her when she feels low,

Every one has,
Their own road of life,
Sometimes you walk alone,
Sometimes you walk with love of your life.

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Wish you all out there who love someone, to be with him/her for your entire lifetime :]

I Love You, my angel,


Awe that is really heartfelt! Sweet and sincere. Thank you for sharing

thanks for reading out my poem :]

big grin 😁 this is so nice thank ya dear! <3

your welcome always my lovely lady :]

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