MadMondays- 5 RANDOM Things I Hate about Brazil

in #original7 years ago

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Mad Mondays!!! Where I rant about a list of things. I'm gonna try to make one every Monday, probably because I'm usually very mad abut a myriad of things, but also to, in an organized way, produce somewhat of an original content.

Let's get to it!

5 Things I dislike abut Brazil.
Okay, note to the wise: I LOVE BRAZIL. I'm Brazilian, and my birth country is, quite frankly, one of the coolest places on earth, with sweet people, nice weather and natural spots, among other things. This list is very random. things are not connected, but they just piss me off in their own ways SO, WITH THAT IN MIND, THIS LIST WILL COMPRISE ONLY ONLY INDIVIDUAL'S PERSPECTIVE OF BRAZIL.


(It's gonna be a count down list, btw)

5) The Kid's show hostesses. **
God Christ Almighty. Every country had a science dude to host kids show, or a guy dressed as a big animal, or no one, just cartoon after cartoon. Not in Brazil! Aside from Fofao, Vovo Mafalda or Bozo Clown, everyone else was a fucking bimbo with really short clothes doing really skimpy dance acts. That was insane. They were not fun, they was not sweet, there's actually multiple accounts on videos of them not being remotely nice to the children around them, they were just opportunistic prostitutes trying to become famous.
Xuxa, Eliana, Angelica, Mara Maravilha...** some posed on Playboy, some were even in movies that depicted them in pedophilic scenes. Just fucking wonderful to grow up watching such grand role models, or the constant pornography that surrounds kids in Brazil altogether.

4) Carnaval.
Don't get me wrong, getting a week break from work/school is pretty sweet but ugh... Carnaval is a goddamn mess, and a HUGE PUBLIC MONEY eating machine. Really, Carnaval parades are one of the biggest laundering machines government has for corruption. If the parties and big parades were made with private money, I would understand and mind my own business, but no, it is all public money that should have been invested in schools, hospitals, damn, anything that could possibly help our really POOR country to become remotely good. Aside the beautiful color and music, crime rates rises, so does rape and kidnappings, tons and tons of trash in the streets left for no one to pick up. Don't think all Brazilians like Carnaval. A good part of the population (including me) just fucking disappears to remoter parts of the country or just lock themselves up in their homes until the madness is over.

3)The Roads.
I know, this is a very weird and random list. But have you ever driven in Brazil? Like any part of Brazil, in any state? IT IS SHITTY. Aside the very few private roads that are remarkably smoothy, well lit and signalized, however plagued by insane high fees to drive by them (courtesy of government mandate fees) roads and highways in Brazil are complete garbage, with some of name kindly named "highway to hell" or "Death Path". And one would think that, for the amount of taxes we pay they would AT LEAST pave some of the roads. Nope. What for, citizen? Why would you want to drive on safe roads? WE HAVE THE HIGHEST RATES OF CAR ACCIDENTS, DRIVING TICKETS and TRAFFIC JAMS in the world. You see why I hate it? I can't stand driving in Brazil. Driving in Brazil is a game you play with death and the government in which if you die you lose, and if you survive, there's probably a couple of tickets that they will send to you a few months later after you forget you even drove there then, from the multiple hidden traffic cameras along the way, making it impossible for you to contest the fine. Tsc, tsc.

Zero fucks given here, sorry, I just hate the city of Rio de Janeiro. I hate it. My mother is from there and I just can't stand visiting. Yeah it is beautiful, yeah cariocas are friendly and nice, and pretty and cool... but Rio is a death trap piece of garbage ran by all kinds of mobs, government and non government. I hate how the city of Rio just tries to ignore the ever growing existence of its poor population. They live off hiding the slums in the pretty pictures of the Christ the Redeemer. Because of Rio, the whole country is branded violent. Rio is the house of some dumbass criminals, but also extremely vile ones, which in are mainly in the business of selling drugs. In my honest opinion, drugs should be legalized, but we'll get to it some other time. Anyways, because of the drug cartel, Brazil created a police only for that (BOPE), costing millions of public money to get rid of these cartels, but somehow these cartels only grow and the favelas in which they live, increase in size EVERY YEAR. Not to mention the huge public welfare, and other costs that the city of Rio causes to the rest of the country. It is insane, how much they are not worth and yet, every Brazilian has to pay for this dead horse, so it can still stay our "Post Card City".

1)Brazilian GOVERNMENT.
Yeah, all of it. No politician is to be saved in Brazil. Complicated history? Yeah, yeah... our government is insanely inefficient (all govs are) but our is not only huge, it is just... utopic. We are on our 7th constitution, because there's always some savior dude with some "I'll save this country" lie that some people will believe and vote for, said dude will start fine but fuck every thing up, write a new constitution, rob a lot of money, get accused of it, prosecuted and arrested, rinse and repeat it again and again every 10 years. It doesn't work, never has and never will, and yet, Brazilian optimism never seem to fail. GOVERNMENT SUFFOCATES BRAZILIANS IN EVERY ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES. We have been a socialist country since forever. Our government always discouraged entrepreneurship and individualism, punishing every one for a few people's mistakes. Our laws are made to benefit whoever cheats, steal and lie and never who works hard for themselves. And this is all on government.
I just wished Osama Bin Laden hit our two towers, not Americas.

I really tried not making this so long, but since it's a first text thing I'm trying, I ask for your patience, until I get comfy with the format. Thank you very much for reading. If you liked it, follow, or upvote, or whatever really. I'm only getting a hang of this platform, so bear with me. Have a nice one, folks! Obrigada e Tchau!


Xiii, justo hj postei sobre o #BlocoChain no carnaval... espero não ter contribuído pra tornar sua segunda-feira ainda mais mal humorada :-( Valeu! Sucesso e boa sorte mais uma vez!!

Eu tinha pensando nisto, Wagner, tanto que o sloga da comunidade é "Colocando o Bloco na Rua". Mas refleti e achei que ia ficar muito nerd um bloco assim. hahahah

Eu achei que o trocadilho estava muito na cara pra gente ignorar essa oportunidade :-) No post do #BlocoChain cito que já criaram um evento Bloco Chain em SP com mais de 7 mil interessados no Facebook, que repercutiu até no jornal O Globo. Aliás nada impede que blocos como esse surjam em outras cidades do Brasil, afinal a tecnologia é descentralizada e open source. No post tb propus que o julgamento dos quesitos pra premiar os participantes da tag possa ser feito por perfis públicos como o @blockchainbrasil, se achar legal é só a gente combinar:

Fala, Wagner! vou pensar em algum texto pra compartilhar lá na comunidade sobre isto! Tentar ajudar na descentralização. Imagina se isto vira um movimento! Pedri fotos dos blocos Chains espalhados pelo país!! vamos que vamos! Parabens pelo projeto e ousadia!
Escreve um tutorial pra gente replicar pra galera!

Legal! Fiquei sabendo que o pessoal de BH tb criou um evento Bloco Chain no Facebook: Acho que como o evento de SP (que cito no post) está tendo boa repercussão, acho que vale a pena agregar em torno dele. Talvez com a hashtag #BlocoChain e mais conteúdo. Na matéria do jornal O Globo o organizador fala em buscar apoio de alguma corretora ou fintech pra pagar um carro de som, se pudermos ajudar nisso ou em formas de patrocinar os blocos com criptomoedas tb seria legal. Valeu!!

Olá @joaolyra, vc chegou a falar com a comunidade @blockchainbrasil sobre organizar um fork do Bloco Chain no Rio? Estou pensando em postar uma tradução em inglês do post do #BlocoChain e transferir o valor das recompensas pra ajudar em eventuais gastos com fantasias, etc. Qq vc acha? Valeu!!

Wagner, vou te mandar um email pra gente conversar amanha. Ai você me explica sobre a questão dá recompensa, pois no que puder ajudar, conte comigo! E vou fazer um post pra gente tentar criar um fork sim nisto! tentar criar blocochains espalhados pelo Brasil! Amanha te ligo, pode?

Legal! Vamos continuar combinando por e-mail e depois nos posts sobre os forks Bloco Chain pelo Brasil que vc comentou. Valeu!!

Obrigada por ler wagner. Quero ler sobre o blocochain. Lol, se for privado ate apoio!

Valeu! Fiz até uma paródia no post: Ei vc aí, me dá um satoshi aí... Por enquanto é privado, mas no evento Bloco Chain em SP já tem gente querendo conseguir autorização oficial da Prefeitura de SP pra evitar eventual repressão :-) Se for uma ocupação temporária emergente autônoma vc topa ser a madrinha?

Um bloco descentralizado e autonomos nao tem como controlar!

vamos lá
5- hahahah Xuxa fez carreira como piranha mesmo...só virou gente porque namorou o Pelé. Essa foi a carreira da Xuxa.
3- as ruas aqui são bizarras! e nao tem explicação, voce pode ir ao Paraguai a Argentina, a Bolivia e vai ver que o asfalto deles é bem melhor.
2- Sou Carioca, é a cidade mais bela que conheço no mundo, mas isto quando falamos de Zona Sul. Na verdade o rio de janeiro é uma favela. Entrou na Avenida Brasil e lá voce ve a verdade sobre o rio. Estou louco para sair daqui.
1- quanto ao governo, nao se salva nenhuma...nao dá...tá tudo mas tudo errado, nos tres poderes...Salva-se quem puder!

O resto me abstenho. Estadacida na veia! Boa!

Obrigadissima por ler e comentar. Xuxa e Rio por mim ja tinham acabado kkkkk. As ruas do brasil me deixam loica nao ha carroça que aguente!

Thanks God I'm not alone 😅.
Rachei com as estradas realmente ser Br é foda

Apesar de não gostar do carnaval, gosto da festa e da alegria de todo mundo, o problema é que por conta da banalização, as pessoas perderam o foco da coisa. O governo brasileiro eu nem falo mais nada, como bom libertário, qualquer governo pra mim é inútil e não possui nenhuma serventia. As estradas, bem... As que são privadas são excelentes aqui em SP, porém as que são mantidas pelo governo... nem se fala.
Bom top 5 @estadocida, se fosse eu, acho que colocaria, o governo, o coitadismo, a necessidade de achar que o governo vai te dar alguma coisa, a constante manutenção do status quo e a necessidade de cuidar da vida alheia.
Acho que são essas cinco coisas que odeio no Brasil.

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