Elohim THE GODS. Not one god that is the only god. Henotheism.

in #original2 years ago (edited)

Even within the context of their own story, canon parts of the torah, say it was Elohim and Elohim was “the gods” that the god of Israel, was chosen from a group of gods to be their god, back when jewz used to be Henotheistic.
Choosing one god without denying the existence of other gods.
Choosing one out of all those gods who were all equal.


"Come, now let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness"






"god" standeth in the congregation of the MIGHTY. Mighty = 'gods' god standeth in the congregation of the MIGHTY assembly, (in its civil aspect) gods. Elohim.


A god, judging among Elohim (the gods) while the jewz chose him to be their god. 'Their' god. Even in THEIR STORY, if we ignore what the Gnostics said entirely, he is not the god of everything. He did not make everything. There was MAN here, before the gods said "come, NOW let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness."

Before they made man in "OUR IMAGE" there was already man. The word for Man was Ish. This is who CAIN was scared of. When allegedly, only ADAM and EVE had been made according to the churches and they had their children Cain and Abel. Right? Right? So who's Cain scared of here? Oh right...because everyone is lied to about their silly bible story in their churches.




So, MAN was already here, before Genesis says anything about Adam and Eve. And the world being desolate and waste is a WHOLE other thing and I'll get into that later. In another post.

Then, next, they made man "IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS" and that became HUman. The word for HUman was ADM.

ADM = Human.
Ish = Man.





And just like Noah was told to replenish the Earth, why were Adam and Eve told to REplenish the Earth? Oh it's because they weren't the first ones here.





He is THEIR, god. Theirs. The god of the ones that chose him to be their god. Not yours. Not mine. Not everyones. Not the ultimate judge of whether you live forever in peace or live forever suffering in eternal torment. That is not a thing. None of that is a thing. That was all invented later on by various organizations.

And christians, ha, they're more prone to submission to government rule than anyone. By the justification that "they deserve it" because they have this concept of original sin and being unworthy. They do it to themselves.


URGH! You christians are so, cucked, like holy crap. "Uhhnnn muh original sin! I don't deserve liberty becuz muh original sin!" Bitch that story isn't true, first of all. Second, if we pretend the plot is true, the GNOSTICS tell a much different version of those events. Where the only bloody SIN Adam and Eve committed, was listening to the wisdom bestowed upon them by what would be referred to as Christ. They partook in the Fruit of Knowledge or "Gnosis" Knowledge of the Spirit. When the male partner of Sophia, Christ, visited them in the form of a Serpent of Wisdom, (god of the bible is a lion headed Serpent) and warned them of the perils of the Demiurge, Yaldabaoth. (god of the bible)

And once they listened to Christ, they started ASKING QUESTIONS! That was their original sin. Questioning the oh so mighty bloody god. That was the sin! Just like asking questions about the government and the other shit going on isn't allowed either. To which, Jesus or Jesseus, from the Tribe of Seth, the 3rd forgotten brother, was the embodiment of the Supreme Being, who is two entire AEON levels above the god of the bible and he also brought Gnosis about the god of the bible and told men the same thing. He told them about Adam and Eve and what their so called "original sin" was, which in reality "original sin" is nothing more than defying and angering the tyrant god. That's what it was. Jesus told man that their "original sin" was 'gaining knowledge' which is not a sin it's just the TYRANT decided it's a sin.

He also told man, that the only reason the bible god created humans, was to feed on their energy. Especially energy generated from FEAR. "FEAR GOD! You need Jesus Christ" No I bloody don't. And this Jesus, isn't Jesus Christ. He's Jesseus or Jesus. Christ is...an AEON above the god of the bible. Depicted as the serpent Samael by the christians, who is an aspect of Satan like Lucifer is also.

And my my how that narrative changed over time about Elohim (the gods). So using the context of their own story, if I believe it or not, disproves their narrative that their god is supreme and the only one. Then there’s everything else. Who writes the prophecies for the bible? The Vatican. The most recent ones were added at the turn of the 1900s from the secrets of Fatima. So, that outlined the existence of the First World War. The sequence of the Second World War, and some say it directly refers to the assassination of JFK. Early 1900s pre WW1 all of that was written, and called “prophecies” so before 1900, the bible did not contain…ANY of that. But no one would know that. They’re all dead by 2000. 2010 if they’re lucky. Those are pushed on us as “prophecies of god” it is pre meditated acts of man. Pope Benedict, known as Cardinal Ratzinger back then, stated that only part of the 3rd secret of Fatima was published, and were authentic, but more is yet to be published. It talked about the bad council and bad mass. The bad council has happened. The bad mass, most people have interpreted that to be the Catholic Church, anticipating the revelation style “Apocalypse” so, the end times, is “prophesied” But it’s not GOD doing it. It’s the…rulers, of the world. They’ll claim it was a prophecy and claim god did this or that. That’s how religion works to rule the world. Zionist Jews, are not the rulers. They’re the bankers FOR the Vatican. And not all of them are Jews. For example, the ROTHSCHIIIILDS, aren't Jewish.
The Vatican uses the Jesuit order and the zionists and the jewish zionists especially in this case, to do their dirty work that is ‘illegal for christians or catholics’ to do. Or a sin. That being, Usury. The Zionist debt based monetary system, is them collecting interest off our debt, for the Vatican.

Don't believe me? Oh David Martin...inform them.




The Vatican has had investments in BIOTECH, mRNA technologies for yeeeeears. And, well, I've already gone over all that about the injections and the homosexuality in a previous post. Until next time, go on. Get out of here.

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